That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Being late in this country is grand, but being early is completely unacceptable.

This LGBT rugby thing is a fucking joke. How about just play rugby and don’t define yourself as being gay…

Its seems to be obligatory to have some homosexual news item every night on the main news on rte to further push the LGBT agenda that has taken over the country

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Major news in Ireland now. Some poof getting engaged with the village people playing in the background at a gay rugby event. Jesus wept

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Its nearly like they’re trying to play catch up.

It’ll be compulsory before long. Instead of sticking your thumb up your hole you’ll have to have had a cock up your hole.

It’ll be the next alkaline ionised water. “If you’re not taking cock up the arse you can forget about it.” etc etc.

You don’t get this is England, no one gives a shit if you are a poof. Over here in Ireland its like give them a medal or something, a pat on the back. Totally over compensating. The micks were always at this craic when you think about it, trying to be the best in the class, licking up the Brits when they were here, then the Europeans, now the LGBT


I’m going to put it on my CV.

That would require refining yourself as useless.

Heard this word used today - Cishet, “used as both an adjective and a noun, describes a person who is both cisgender and heterosexual. A person is cishet if he or she is cisgender, meaning identifying with his or her assigned-at-birth gender, as well as heterosexual, or attracted exclusively to people of the opposite sex.”

Apparently being a cishet is not cool

It will be illegal in no time.

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There’s no complaints when it starts late, only when it starts early. Sure the only thing the Oirish start on time is mass

It won’t be long til someone starts claiming shur we haven’t we the best gays in the world.

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Sure didn’t the Irish build the gays

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Tommy Tiernan show is great tv. Did they steal the idea/format from somewhere?

He had Barry keoghan on last night was a brilliant interview. Guests are generally shitting themselves on it as well as far as I can see


It’s not the first time but Tiernan pitched the idea to RTÉ afaik

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Tommy is a national treasure. For all the madness and the sneering he does there is a real gentleness and decency about him that comes through in these interviews.


Empathy is a great trait and practically impossible to fake. Tommy has it in schpades.


I’d love to hear Tiernan do some long form podcasts. He’d better than the fucking blindboy anyhow…