That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Both of them!

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Was she on Love Hate

No, Podge & Rodge.

She does impersonations too, seems a bit of a dose in all honesty.

Still would.


She looks deformed you sick cunt.

She fits right in with podge and rodge

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It’s like Gerry with tits and long hair

On a dwarf’s body.

About fucking time something passed her by for fuck sake :joy:

Justin Tracey from the sports department, just saw him there on the Six One news, has he a new set of teeth? Sounded different, with more of a lisp…

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…and his wife Vivienne Traynor reading the news in the same studio.

Are they married?

God forgive me if I’m wrong but hearing him, I hope it is just a new set of teeth. Hope it isn’t something more serious

The ‘Nine o’clock news’ is after starting at 8.50pm. Its now 9.10pm and they’re on the weather. I’m after missing the whole thing.


It rarely starts at 9 on saturday nights

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You missed a tonne of sports news and the highlight of the show was the coverage of the LGBTI Rugby World Cup which is on in DCU at the moment.

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It should be called something else. I tuned in at 9 0 clock like @Smark and was infuriated to have missed the main headlines


Usually 9.15 or so on Saturday due to Winning Streak.

Starting it before 9 is completely out of order alright.

They repeated the main headlines at the end of the show

Some bloke proposed to his boyfriend. What the fuck has happened to this country??? Taken over by fucking poofs and snowflakes. Women’s football on rte 2. Who the fuck wants to see that?


It’ll be on RTE1 +1 at 9.50pm lads


That’s the way it’s gone these days kid. Lads are now suing themselves for sexually harassing themselves