That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Ex forums @nemesis works in the gaiety sometimes. There’s a well worn story of a few of the techies who would operate the trapdoor on occasion. The lads have to make sure the person is clear of the trap and watch them all the way up for safety. Twink was of an evening without any underwear and thè lads sent her up, both getting an unexpected view of the underTwink regions.
Techie 1: Jesus Christ! Did you see that?
Techie 2: yeah. It was like Ronnie drew was shot in the face…


I’d a run in with that pig twink before, she’s a nasty piece of stuff.


So left wing RTÉ is going down this road of calling out right wing news channels for covering news?



There’s no middle ground these days because of social media. Its either left or right. The world is in a very dangerous place

The centre cannot hold

she can be an awful cunt alright and not to be trifled with but she can be very generous too.

I’ve a great story but dont have the time to type it out now, ill put it up this afternoon

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I look forward to it. I may offer a counter story of cuntery.

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Don’t leave us hanging, pal.

Lolz, between this, the lookalike thread and @myboyblue 's Johnny Logan gem I am lolling away at work even though we’re supposed to be under pressure.

Many many moons ago, around Christmas time around 21 or 22 years ago, I got a phone call from my mate peter at 3am “Foley, Ive got a small horse in the flat”. Still half asleep I asked him to repeat what he said and my brain adjusted to what he said and he asked me to come over to look at it.

So I got dressed and walked down to his flat in rathmines (I was up the road in Ranelagh) and when I buzzed the door he came down and let me in. I walked into the sitting room and lo and behold was a little white horse drinking water out of a cereal bowl. Peters flatmates were spliffing up and in fits of laughter at the randomness of a mini horse in their living room.

I asked peter where the horse came from and he said that hed been on dame st and had been fairly well on and was walking past the gaiety and he saw a horsebox with the door open and the mini horse standing there in the back of the box and he had decided, in his drunken state to take the horse for a walk and ended up walking from dame st to rathmines with a small white horse.

We stayed up drinking for a few hours and we had the radio on in the background and IIRC it was the Ian Dempsey show where they had an interview with the producer of the panto “rocking hood, prince of babes, featuring dustin the turkey, twink and berties daughter” lamenting that someone had stolen snowy the Shetland pony which dustin was using as his steed for the play.

We all looked at each other and clocked that peter had pinched the pony and that now we were in deep shite. Quick as a flash, peter rings the Dempsey show and says that he has found a small white horse in front of the house and it might be snowy. An hour later the theatre producer shows up with the sergeant from rathmines garda station and a photographer and reporter from the Star. The sergeant clearly didn’t believe a word of anything that came out of peters mouth but peter was interviewed and pictured with snowy and the producer.

The story and picture was published the next day in the star with the headline “pony pete saves the day” and he got a shout out on the ian Dempsey show as well. Peter got a load of free tickets for the panto and twink invited him to her dressing room to thank him personally (no, not like that) and give him a few drinks vouchers for that night. In the middle of the panto twink stopped everything and led the audience three cheers for pony pete and got him up on stage to take more applause.

So peter successfully robbed a Shetland pony and got loads of credit and rewards for giving it back.

When peter died in 2005, a load of the lads cobbled together and got a floral arrangement the shape and size of snowy with “pony pete” written on it. I only told his mother the full story of what happened with the pony a few years ago when she asked me point blank


Worst story in the history of tfk


indeed, apart from yourself, its the most pointless thing on this site.

My story is shorter and better. I was in castleknock college and walked into a room, twink was there teaching a class of youngins, she started roaring and screaming and told me to fuck off. Which I did. I went outside composed myself and pissed all over her fancy red car.


seems like typical behaviour of castleknock alums. did mcgeady teach you nothing?

I was in crescent comp on a rugby trip.

You were in castleknock college a minute ago. This story has a few holes in it

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Well yknow what they say, cray cray.


I’ve endured her for 30mins.on the radio with Cunt Darcy scuttering on about some TV show involving herself. A more self-opinionated, narcissistic, entitled and unfunny cunt just isn’t out there…Darcy the prick fawning over her. Dreadful shit altogether.

She’d rot the hole off a badger the unctuous bitch. Supercunt…


Great word!

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