That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

When the “Live Mike” suddenly left the the stage it sent a few into a tailspin. Twink was a big casualty there.

That’s a new one to me :smile:

It’s superb… The second animal related expression I’ve encountered today.

I’ve heard it before obviously as a fellow county man.

That’s a fine story


The older rural ones are best. Increased levels of seething is good for remembering old adages.

You’re like a witty McGahern character

We were neighbours during his lifetime in Leitrim. Witty characters weren’t his strongest suit. Frugality with money particularly adjacent to public houses was his fortë. That and getting gobshites to execute general agri-duties (drains, hedges, mowing and baling) for free or as close to.
Some of these simpletons confided to me they were afraid of him. They were of course fearful of featuring in a Booker prize winner where they were portrayed as deviants having sex with goats or some other lewd act. A great man to mind a pound…


He came from Cavan sure

:joy::joy::joy: class. Des has always been the consummate pro

A neighbour of mine used to look after McGahern’s dog when he would be away. I am not sure of the connection between the two, perhaps related to sheep farming. It always struck me as a strange set up as it wasn’t as if they were next door neighbours or anything of the sort.

My neighbour would get annoyed with the set-up from time to time. When quizzed about the strange dog on his property he would say ‘ah that’s McGaherns’s cunt of a dog!’ or something like that. No reference to John being many expert’s greatest Irish writer of the 20th century. He knew that McGahern was a big deal probably but with regard to what it didn’t concern him one bit.

A Mohill undertaker buried him (himself now RIP). I recall the story about the trip from Dublin where he was in hospital back home. They stopped off on the N4 at an expanded petrol station eatery - upon John’s request. That was the only meal provided to sympathisers.


Did you enjoy his books Boxty? I really loved them and am a small bit disappointed to learn that he was a bit of a cunt.

Various neighbours of ours were tasked with minding cattle and sheep for him as he undertook a lecturing tour of Canada and the US annually. These lucrative trips were 3/4 months usually over the darkest months of winter when foddering was a daily ritual.
The miserable cunt would return 30/40k better off and reward them with a bottle of duty free procured whiskey which he’d present as if it was the Ryder Cup. The rustics would insist on a couple of jorums to welcome the fucker home and he’d happily spend an evening guzzling the merchandise. Don’t start me on his abilities to mind a pound.

Ye’re tipping along nicely in the football. Sterner tests lie ahead. It’s a tough division to get out of.


I always thought he was a terrific writer, his ability to capture the changes in the seasons allied to his talents at involving the interactions of the locals is second to none.
My late father had a bit of a run in with him over pollution of the lake back in the day and in true rural doggedness the interfada was continued by myself.
That said I spoke glowingly about him to RTE’s Eileen Magner the day of his burial. A local sage commented in the pub after watching the news “typical FF shite out of Boxty there, speaking out of both sides of his mouth at the wan time”. He’d be aware of the coolness between the respective houses as most rural communities are.
A top writer nonetheless.


We are. And with Glenfarne last, top spot should be assured.

From chatting to a few of the lads last Saturday night, Annaduff and Drumkeerin from the other group are the two feared teams. Personally I have a real fear of Leitrim Gaels, a young hungry team. That’s been the case since we played them in a Junior Final soon after their reemergence and they played us off the pitch, buoyed on by a loud if even boisterous crowd. They were robbed when the referee (I can’t recall who) inexplicably disallowed one of their goals and we ended up winning by a point.

Roughly translated ‘My father used to pollute Laura Lake back in the day’!


:astonished: You’re not wrong about Leitrim Gaels, they’d be dangerous in a last 4 scenario. It’s between yourselves, them and Annaduff I’d imagine. Yé have a great chance if ye can keep them out of the Green Rooster*

  • Not a takeaway BTW.

We have the selector from 94 somewhat at the helm now and he is very respected around the club for obvious reasons.

No drink ban (it wouldn’t work anyway) but lads would be serious enough about it, including the main man. He has recently become a Daddy as well so is not as free and easy as he used to be. He is always liable to go on a random flitter though and that could well be close to a match. We won’t get away with it as we go further into the tournament. But who am I to talk!

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A timeless and oft forgotten turn of phrase. One that may yet find it’s way into the TFK lexicon. Kudos for it’s resurrection.