That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Is dobbo on contract for service or an employee ?

Oh but they need to be paid the market rate is the clamour you’ll hear. There is a self entitled culture and self titled star culture in RTE. The market is a tiny country in the middle of that Atlantic. They should be benchmarking against a country like NZ not BBC who pay massive amounts to Gary Lineker, Graham Norton…

The re acquisition of Ray Darcy by RTE when they were rid of the cunt reminded me in many ways of Man UTD paying 100m for Pogba when they were rid of him too. They collectively suffered from some form of selective amnesia of how shit they were at their jobs and how infuriating they were to even look at, but still couldn’t help themselves by taking them back. They both deserve no sympathy.


The other thing people forget is the extras these cunts can earn from corporate jollies .

The tonight show should be interesting this evening.

He wasn’t on that much tbf for the job he did.

Kind of showed why RTÉ News “stars” have been so desperate to get into the entertainment side of things.

D’Arcy was bizarre in fairness.

There has been a big fear in there or another Gerry Ryan situation. In fairness, once he left this earth that audience fell off a cliff. Pat Kenny showed them not to worry too much.

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Terrific analogy. The cunt’s a dud, let’s re-sign him.

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Marty is only on 230grand. He’s worth every fucking cent.


This Dee Forbes one is a nightmare.

DArcy has no redeeming features at all. He actually annoys me just to see him being mentioned and the thought that RTE see fit to pay him as much as they do because " he’ll be poached by another organisation" if they don’t tells you all you need to know about RTE. Close it up ta fuck and it’ll be no loss

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What’s that to do with anything ffs?

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Typical you : side with establishment cunts

Fuck up.

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And you can go do a paper round for extra cash if you wish.

They had him on the History programme FFS. He’s one of them.

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They seem to be moving everything to RTÉ 1, sport and all and then RTÉ 2 is a showcase for what’s on the Player, which doesn’t work… Christ above!

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I’m struggling with this.
I have the distinct impression that the reshuffle is entirely based around protecting as best possible jobs and salaries at the high end, and bugger the content. Journalists across the western world seem to have sold their integrity and its dangerous.

Is that Marty Whelan or Marty Morrissey that’s on the 230k, or is it 230k combined?

half the lads moaning here will be the first to come up with a yarn about not paying their tv licence

Marty Whelan. A genius of a man with the country in the palm of his hand 15 hours plus a week.
The other fella is more like one of those lads who stands outside the jacks of a nightclub groping woman as they emerge.