That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

RIP Mary :cry:

RTE promoting bullies now ffs.

Who? What? When? Where?

I heard it was Gay Byrne keeping her down. As soon as he was dead, BANG, Bláthnaid was back in the picture.

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I like a bit of Nationwide from time to time but I’d say Mary is sick of going to men’s sheds group in Mayo and crafting groups in Longford for these reports. She’s too old to be traipsing around the country doing that lark


Shure the Queen has managed it for ninety odd years. She is a lizard mind you.

Kathryn Thomas to replace her, roaring into people´s faces, or the nice looking lass of winning streak

Do you think Francis even knows himself?

Unfortunately the one person who could probably answer that, Dermot, has passed away

If Francis ever comes out they’ll have to give him his own channel he’ll be doing so many shows.

“Are you being serviced” Francis Brennan tries his hand on the gay dating scene.

“All hands on pecks” Francis goes on a gay cruise

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Leave Francis alone, he is a national treasure.

He is up there with Todd Chavez and @Cicero_Dandi as champions of asexuality


Tubs should try his luck on the mainland. He’d have a more appreciative audience and get paid his worth.

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Nothing stopping graham with his own production company launching tubs in the UK and paying him a million a year

Didn’t he get a summer job covering for Graham?

Will he get back into tv?

Not sure about TV. IPTV could be an option too I guess.

Prime time investigates is fast becoming the boy who cried wolf. An investigation into quarries now FFS. Narrator states to the sound of foreboding background music that " 1 in 8 quarries aren’t approved by local authorities". Seriously who gives a shit. Maybe keep the powder dry and investigate something interesting.