That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Tracy Piggott let go after 20 years I see.

Between retirements and letting a few go there has been a right blood letting in the sports dept in recent times

Robert Hall

The pic in the paper of her all but crying poverty in her palatial home with the dogs is deadly


20 years stealing a living and the cheek to complain then :sweat_smile:

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What would it have been worth to her each year ?

It was an upgrade on the pics from her stables that time anyway! There was horses in O Malley park better treated

Not a lot I’d imagine, I didn’t know Robert Hall got the chop too?

Time to shut down the corrupt shithole


First link below the article

They literally can’t help themselves

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Embarrassing a journalist would share that

Oh Gavan

Sure Leo got them too.

So to clarify - the real propaganda here is from An Phoblacht

It’s unfortunate to see Gavan Reilly and @artfoley being so naive


I was reading Phoenix recently and seemingly there is banter in the journalist community about his fast fingers . Although he seems an ok sort

The establishment shills badly rattled and defending the indefensible.

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I’d say he’s keen on getting stories on social media first alright.

Does seem an alright sort to be fair - if a little bit fond of “profile”

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O Brother
Where art thou?

“The same 24hr period”
In the 24 hours before the debate.

RTE choosing their words very carefully and Martin knew exactly what the last question was going to be…


Was watching the Stuart Lubbock documentary. If RTE gave the other parties a 23.5 hour headstart then surely there is a big story here