That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Yes, RTE gave them a headstart on their topics of:

Climate Change
Leadership/Personal Qualities

Unbelievable stuff

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To be fair - MaryLou looked fairly surprised when they asked detailed questions about some of those things

Why didn’t they send the email to all three parties at the same time?

Sinn Fein were on an email and it had to be forwarded to their hotmail.


I see poor Keelin Shanley has died of cancer,i didn’t even know she was sick.Unlike a lot of the montrose crowd she seemed to know her stuff.She was 51.


A thoroughly decent sort and a proper journalist. Came on the scene around the same time as that pompous irritant, Boucher-Hayes, and the gulf in class between them was positively oblivious to him.

RTÉ ran him up the ladder and left her behind; she could - and should - have been their senior political interviewer, but they favoured ‘presenters’ like O’Callaghan and Claire Byrne. As is their wont.

Gone at 51, a husband and two kids left behind… desperately sad. RIP.


Keelin Shanley barely aged in the last 20 years

She always came across very well and very knowledgeable.As mentioned above id have put her way above CB or McCullogh O Callaghan etc.Maybe she didnt tow the usual montrose line.

A fine lookin woman tbf.

Miggledy on Tommy Tiernan

He has some fucking gut on him and theres a fair effort gone into tucking it in

Ah I couldn’t listen to him

The Fugitive is on TCM :+1:

Tommy is even making miggeldy sound like an alright sort. Miggeldy having the craic with him

I watched a good bit of taken 3 while ago. I’m vengeanced out of it

Im watching it on delay here but had to fast forward, first time ever for the TT show.

Evanne NiChuillin is surprisingly not terrible at this Marian Finucane lark, well prepared and quite likeable

That is the very lovely Sarah McInerney

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Jaysus, I’d have sworn it was Evanne, :grinning:

Sounds a bit like her to be fair

Actually thought it was her as well. :grinning:

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