That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Darcy must be getting desperate. They dropped that Saturday night chat show very quietly

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I heard this news last night. How devoid of creativity can rte be that this is what they come up with. Fucking pathetic.


There must be a time limit on the contract so they need to fill it with some other scutter.

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Nostalgia sells

They’ve got a major problem down the line, lot of people only tuning in due to inertia.

License fee is going to come into question big time in the next 5-10 years

That’s probably one of the reasons why they are supporting Project Fear so enthusiastically.


RTE will have a rip off of the daily tv show in America “The Doctors” ready to go by the Spring. Just wait and see.

RTÉ could be bust by the middle of next year and that’s no exaggeration.

fixed that for you

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They could just log onto TFK and they’d get all they need to know for free.


Are they after burning through all of the money they got for the property?

yep, theyve pissed through that in short order, sure the begging bowl was out in February

Yeah, I think a bit of it has been held in reserve for some specific projects but they needed a cash injection pre Covid to survive the year. I doubt commercial revenue and license fee income has held up well during Covid.

RTE have to go scrambling around to interview experts. While on here you have a centralised collection of experts on everything.


RTE radio could give us a show. The TFK hour.

This conjures up great images. I’d love to see @Tank and @ironmoth as pundits on primetime. @Fagan_ODowd with a weekly slot on the couch beside Daithì and Màire. A great programme would be ’ @anon67715551’s Bedtime Shhtory’. 10mins of an oul yarn delivered from a barstool in Liatroim once a week.


Make this happen.

Also, Celebrity Trolling with @Bandage.


You’d need a sister programme “bitchslapping trolls on social media - with Shane Lowry”