That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

I’d pay a licence fee to see ‘Choco’s daily rant’ with @Thomas_Brady casting forth on the ills of society will he walks little Brady around shithole spots of Cork.

Can I put you down for ‘Artfoley holds Court’? A houlf hour a week where you dispense legal advice like an agony aunt for the viewers who write in.

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‘Prime Time Investigates - The Bressie Bombshell’ as we explore how a person with no medical qualifications has placed themselves at the heart of the mental health debate in Ireland, while being handsomely rewarded in the process.

Hosted by @TreatyStones


I thought @TreatyStones would be looking after the weather

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And @Juhniallio on Room to Improve. How to box off your planning before a spade hits the dirt.


I was holding out for ‘Ireland’s Berlingo Byeways’ where I travel the length and breadth of the country visiting the various service stations around Ireland and interviewing their clientele.


RTE should have a show every week called “The Travelling Life” to discuss issues relating to the traveller community. Like Ear to the Ground only with travellers instead of bogmen. It would just be a half hour of traveller shout-out videos, bard-knuckle fights, lads swearing on the bible that they hadn’t done the dirt on the Mrs and Geraldine slagging the fuck out of smelly Winnie Keenan. It would be unmissable.


Talent like Tubridy, Frehill and Ray Darcy doesn’t come cheap.


Frehill took great glee in Dobson not realising they were back on air. Said Brian was over excited because his cricket team had one the All Ireland at the weekend.

Someone needs to furnish Dobson with the link for the thread

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‘Won’ sorry lads, and I think it was Tuesday, and this is the wrong thread…but I couldn’t contain myself

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Alternatively you could call it the bald (legal) eagle

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@flattythehurdler and @balbec will host “the vicious cycle” where they debate the week’s cycling stories

@flattythehurdler would be bleating about the unfairness of it all and I would provide a more balanced cynical view. I’d like @caulifloweredneanderthal to join us.

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Home thoughts from abroad where successful emigrants like @Tierneevin1979 could regale us with their life stories.

Home truths.

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I don’t bleat.
I observe that if anyone thinks this tour De France was clean, they probably believe mcdonkey.

Bring back sid for a 5 min segment

I very much doubt anyone thinks that any sport is clean anymore.

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I think a tfk live where forum stalwarts unredactedly discuss the days issues (and WhatsApps) would be box office.

‘The Tinfoil Hat’ would make a great name for a show.