That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

The spelling was correct, my punctuation was amiss. You’re so raged up that you cant even see the difference.

Murphy’s Micro Quiz M was the high water mark of RTE

their technology hasnt moved on much since then


I see the bullies are out

The Limerick clique

I was the recording of one of those shows for my sins way way back.

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Did that have Smily Bolger on it?

Art needs to log out for a while.

What didn’t back then

What a pathetic snivelling little cunt you are: too cowardly to take me on yourself, you now rely on @balbec to try and bolster your disintegrating morale.

a little toad of a man

Arts well able for you lot.

The rage is building. Hopefully no uppity young women cross Art’s path while he’s in this mood.

Ah the snivelling, leering, hypocrite glas is absolutely beside himself with rage. He must be snorting his lavender scented handkerchief at a rate of knots

Incoherence growing.

You’re so full of rage that you can’t even read simple sentences?

“Superstars” if memory serves me.

Fixed now.

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Fucking hell lads. If our civil service is fighting amongst itself we have literally* no chance against this virus.

au contraire, a fighting service is good for the citizen: it means theyll hold each other to account and there’ll be no nod and wink nonsense.

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