That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Totes Awks here for Eileen Dunne here reading the news.

Just as well Mick wasn’t alive to see that.

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It sure was…

Tongue in cheek from BIFFO jr

Apologies to my colleagues… Hollow. Shallow. What about those with dead relatives due to covid? Or people who can’t visit elderly parents in nursing homes? Or the hospital staff who’d have to risk getting covid off them when looking after them?

These cunts haven’t a clue.

We have reached the inflexion point. Well done to the leaker.

Wear your mask. Keep your distance. And open it up

Would they be apologising if they had not been caught?

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There’s something about this shambles that really has got under my skin, that horrid cunt MOC, pontificating there every night, if she had a shred of professionalism she’d resign


Well said. The absolute hounding these lads do anytime there’s a sniff of controversy is despicable. Ok the golf trip was wrong and arrogant of those involved. Report it, talk about it and let the public make up their own minds. Instead these fuckers give it wall to wall coverage for weeks. They single out somebody, Phil Hogan for example (arrogant and wrong) and keep at it and at it until he resigns. It seems the bloodlust is then sated for a couple of days until there’s someone’s else in the cross hairs. This Seamus Woulfe saga is still going on months after the golf trip and really, does anyone give a flying fuck about him. I’d much rather hear news on news programmes instead of this constant negativity. RTE is not fit for purpose, the editorial direction of news and current affairs programmes is at best misguided and at worst propaganda.


For me the worst one was the fat lad going undercover trying to get drink without a substantial meal.


They got young students honestly earning a few bob in trouble . COTY stuff

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I missed this at the time. Who was the undercover reporter? One of the Prime Time fellas?

The Phil Hogan thing was a benchmark moment, roundly supported by most of TFK too if I’m not mistaken, if you truly reap what you sow then the fallout here could be bloody, but I don’t think it will or should be,
You make a mistake, apologise and move on, if you make a habit of it then let’s talk resigning, absolute storm in a teacup stuff, a joke if people are being asked to resign for that


If Phil apologised at the outset he might of got away with it. Instead he tried to brazen it out with ignorance and lies.

Ireland is badly missing his ‘influence’ in Brussels all the same. Things have gone to shit for us altogether since he resigned.


I think that’s fair but only to an extent. I’ve no sense of a genuine apology or coming clean being enough to sate the mob - if anything it would likely increase the clamour for resignations/sacking. I don’t for a second think that if Phil H had given a big mea culpa and given a clear account of his movements early days that he’d have been in any better situation.


Bro, I see Olympians are praising the Limerick Cycle Bus

Frau Ursula had the ultimate say over Phil. He had to go when it made international headlines and embarrassed the commission. I suspect your general point is correct though. It’s not necessary the scale of the offence it’s the identity of the perpetrator. The mob will be larger if the offender is a divisive politician than a generic civil servant or TV personality

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Some chubby lad

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There’s a chubby, bearded, ginger, tweed jacket wearing lad called Con(n)or Wilson that does a lot of the Prime Time reports. Could have been our man.

Nah mate. Hogan was only fucked cos Leo and MM fucked him and called for his resignation. . Ursula didnt give a shit. Shure she broke the rules herself.