That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Hard to believe you have people whining about this and looking for the cycle lane on the bridge to be taken away :man_shrugging:


Bullshite. Phil refused to apologise. RTÉ apologised immediately.

Sean O’Rourke apologised immediately. Got the boot.

RTE kept the Phil Hogan thing going and wouldn’t let it die down. Will they do the same here?

BOC was very fortright about the optics of it there on the radio,

What planet are we living on guys, is there a person here who would refuse an unmasked photo with a departing colleague? And ye take the piss out of Brenda and Nuala :grinning:

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What did he say?

I think the issue here isn’t that they went to a retirement shindig or didn’t social distance .

The issue is that RTE spent the last 8 months or so casting scorn on others for similar


I couldn’t give a shit about the photo.

I do hate these guys preaching and pontificating about bullshit draconian restrictions (and hounding those who don’t follow them) but then not following them themselves


Who are you talking about here? Eileen Dunne? Dobson?
I don’t see much TV to be honest, are you more referring to people who have a platform on RTE, those people don’t normally give opinions, they report the news, maybe play a bit of devils advocate as part of their job.
You’re angry, people are angry in general, but let’s not all be hypocrites, if I was in the public eye I’d be in the shit 100 times a day if this is what’s required

Tbf its dweebs like George Lee, Claire Byrne and Tubridy that are the worst for fear mongering. Most of the people caught up in this are sound


I’m angry about a culture within RTE that has publicly exposed small businesses but is happy to host a retirement party in the middle of a lockdown.

I actually think having a party is relatively harmless, and I feel sorry for the lady involved here (in particular), but RTE would be crucifying anyone else involved in a similar scenario

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Lot of lads missing the point of the whole thing here. Personally I couldn’t give a fuck but the problem for the personalities involved is that they have boxed themselves in. For argument sake if Shamie Wolf decided to give an interview to Miriam, she would be able to ask him about anything bar golfgate as he would have the ammunition to fire it right back in her face.

The undercover camera to catch out a teenager selling beer in a pub is the thing that irks me


They will in their fuck and your taxes will ensure they don’t

I absolutely don’t think they should resign or be sacked.

I think their discomfort may give a little bit of insight into how the spotlight from the moral high ground is not a pleasant place to be in and that relatively minor incidents can result in huge ramifications for individuals. That’s no bad thing and they might spare the whip a bit in the future.


It was highly irregular and inappropriate for the Eire government to interfere in the affairs of the EU Commission and pressurise Frau Ursula into removing one of her Commissioners, just like it is highly irregular and inappropriate to seek the removal of Woulfie for a minor misdemeanour that falls well short of the constitutional threshold for impeachment. If Breda and Nuala and the curtain twitchers like @Lazarus are sufficiently outraged though, mob rule seems to prevail in these strange times.


+1 bar Miriam O’Callaghan. And the full gallery of pictures saw them all spaced out and observing social distancing protocols for the speeches and presentation. It seemed to be a case of letting their collective guard down at the end for a few photographs. It’s not like they organised it on the basis they were knowingly going to flout the regulations, and it was a brief affair rather than a lengthy event full of revellers and associated carousing. Apologies are sufficient here.

Fuck Tipp


I can’t understand how Tubridy pulls 400k a year out of rte m.

Was he not retired?