That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Miriam O’ Callaghan getting over 300k is crazy
Darragh Maloney is on a huge salary for why he does

We could mention her ex but fellas would go buck ape altogether

She was to be fair a brilliant court reporter but average enough at what she does now . Seemingly she is sound .

Sharon is a goddess

I always think of Sharon
Papped in her pyjamas and Uggs walking the dog

and she said that one photo was a worse invasion than the fella writing oddball letters to her for years ( brought to court for it)

Since that pap she looks amazing

You sound like the “papper”

I remember many years ago I was involved in a very minor incident which resulted in being landed with three charge sheets from An Garda Siochana.

I called a Solicitor I knew and she said it should be fine but would speak to a Barrister and get back to me. A few hours later I get a call while in work and asked could I come down to the four courts straight away. The Barrister had read the charge sheets and said depending on technicalities and the Judge on the day they could result in a custodial sentence! He wanted to meet me with my Solicitor and go through a few things.

My Solicitor told me to go the front door of the four courts and some bird from the office, that I knew???, would meet me. My young head was in a spin when I got to the four courts…custodial sentence…jaysus!

I was waiting at the front door, head wrecked, looking all around the front door waiting for this bird from her office who I supposedly knew???

I’m looking everywhere, sweating profusely when I notice a lady I know, ah that must be her. I walk over and go to shake her hand. I’m Ebeneezer Goode, I think I’m here to meet you?

It was at that moment I remembered where I knew this woman from…its the bird from the court report on the six one news. Mary just shook her head, said no, and ushered me away, I was fucking mortified…Id have let them lock me up and fuck away the key at that moment !


I can’t believe this got 2 likes


I’m surprised you’ve never heard of her. She’s been on Irish radio for years.

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Wilson is related to family of mine (but not to me). I wouldn’t be a fan of her on radio at all, but I’m glad things worked out ok for her after putting down time with that prick

I had just never noticed her before a few covid related interviews recently. She is really really bad, so bad there is no way she should be doing that job.

Miriam O’Callaghan, Claire Byrne and the Sharon seem to have a weekly competition to see who can wear the worst outfit.

Do RTE also give the women a bursary for their outfits?

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Would you be big into middle-ages women’s fashion?


Yes. I’m Italian.

The Italian boys like looking at clothes their mamas wear…


Dont leave us hanging. What happened the charges?

This Katie Hannon is stone fucking useless. She’s attempting to referee a war of “words” between Danny McCoy, Jack Chambers, Louise O’Reilly and an odd squawk from Roisin Shortall.
It’s like listening to a flock of turkeys the week before Christmas, all gobbling away flat out.

Evidently, whoever ignores intervention and gabbles away undaunted is the winner…Remind you of…

Katie wouldn’t cut it in refereeing ladies football anyway.


Dead ‘ard

Anyone have access to copy and paste?

Were you mugged off with legal fees ??