The 2 Johnnies Appreciation Thread

I was a “victim” of a similar situation in school. It got back to me through a mutual friend that a girl in a different local school was claiming that we were going out. It even went as far as her bringing jewellery into school on Valentines Day saying that I had got it for her as a gift. Mad shit.


This is absolutely batshit mental. Im listening away. Clearly an unwell women. Not motivated by money it appears. Actually unbelievable the amount of digging johnny b has done. Top class

  • Lads on Instagram are awful naive
  • GGA players are a bit thick
  • Bitches are crazy

Does that sum it all up?




He was a top top sports star and prime jersey girl material in his hey day.

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Shit will get real “ deep “ so it will


If a lad did this he’d expect a visit from the Gardai and a Section 7 search warrant seizing all his electronic devices.


very reminiscent of the Finding Anna and Tinder Swindler TV shows recently out. If this hadnt been going on for years you’d be forgiven for thinking it was a copycat type thing. Only difference here was it didnt involve lots of money and in lieu of high flying rich people, you have thick GGA players. For that reason alone, it’ll never make the big screen, might have had a chance otherwise.

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It will be a perfect segment for Claire Byrne.

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The props department swiftly erecting some GAA posts and those Instagram border canvas yokes you see at weddings.


What was yer ones end game though?

And how many Insta accounts did she have records of dying relatives on?

I was hoping it was going to be a house full of girls all in on it who did it out of boredom over lockdown.

The actual truth is sad really for the individual involved.

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I must give you a follow from my fake account

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I don’t think she had an endgame

This is it. And you’ve the two johnnies trying to get exposure off it, and succeeding. It’s pathetic.

It will end badly for them. They are too stupid to see that.


As I said, I dont know this at all other than on here. But it seems that what started as a relatively embarrassing story for one of the boggers has actually snowballed into a fairly big deal that takes a large amount of actual people being duped by multiple fake accounts of one person. If they had the whole story from the start it may not have gone this way, but its very hard to start something that grows and is getting huge interest and just stop it.

Is the woman behind all this outed or her real name known?

It really is not that hard to decide to stop. If you’re not a juvenile idiot and delighted with all the attention it’s getting. I’ve no doubt there’s enough already for the girl to have been identified to lots of people and I’ve no doubt there’s plenty will hound her for the rest of her days. It’s sad all round.

a headless body buried in a bog, that is where this was going