The 6 Nations 2024

It’s not enough to dislike rugby, you have to make thousands of posts on the topic so that everybody knows it

Most of us here are of an age where we grew up with the 5 nations, no Munster, no World cups etc,
And it was a big deal for a few weeks in spring, it’s amazing that many lads now see the World Cup as the only show in town :man_shrugging:

If only they were 4 months older 4 months ago.

I didn’t tune in. I was working.

I just love how it bothers people that others don’t like their game


In fairness Sheehan had a fine World Cup but got injured in the middle of it.

Dunno what happened with Joe McCarthy. Cullen was slow to start him but Farrell looked to fast track him.

He’s some player.

You seemed to be bothered people really enjoyed last nights win.

Life is shite enough for people Monday to Friday. A lot of people just want to enjoy their weekends. Sport for most is a getaway from the realities of life.

I used to absolutely love the 5 Nations.

We couldn’t lose to Wales in Cardiff.

The Flower of Scotland.

And we just couldn’t beat Scotland.

Wade Dooley. Mick Skinner.

John Jeffrey.

There was a mystique about it.

Obviously nostalgia ain’t what it used to be but even allowing for age and cynicism it’s lost a lot of it’s allure.

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The six nations for me means the winter is over.


The leagues in the gaa have become a bit pointless too with the round robins in April/may.

It’s pretty much the same in every sport. Too much of it.

I bet bravery won them the game last night. Bravery and courage.

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This is Rugby country. And it showed

Gaa is the same. Winning a provincial isnt even good enough any more. The All Ireland is the be all and end all
There was a time when winning a league and/or provincial was considered a good season

The lady reading the news on RTE this morning described it as a statement victory.


Imagine how savage irish rugby would be if it was played by gaa lads, instead of a bunch of posh eton college wannabes…a bunch of fat bastards pretend bumping into one another whilst making sure no-one gets accidentally touched in their head/neck area. Its actually embarrassing.

It was that and more.

60% bravery, 40% courage, 15% concentrated power of will


I didn’t see it but were they “test match conditions” and did they “front up” and have “good hands”?

Yes. All that and more.

And Closure. They got closure.

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The next three and a half years are just going to drag.

Ireland won the World Cup Final everybody wanted last night. That’s the holy all of it.


Ireland have peaked too early