The 6 Nations 2024

Yes but this is rugby country

The country has a real pep in the step today


It’s not just today.

2009’s Grand Slam lifted the country out of depression.

If you ignore 2010, 2011, 2012 or so.


That’s just a fact though.

It’s absolutely painful listening to self professed rugby fans go on about the world cup a few months after flopping out of the last one. It’s the height of nonsense. You’re always at it.

It was a win but a different win to the win they won when they lost against New Zealand


France laid down a marker last night for the next World Cup. You’d be a fool if you didn’t see that.

I’m still not over the last World Cup.

In fairness, we used to be picking hurling teams for the next year the minute we were out of the current championship. Not any more though.

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I think that’s different to rugby eejits talking about a world cup four years away. It’s absolute nonsense.

They should be talking about the Loins selection really.

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Long term planning in any sport is not nonsense particularly in Irish rugby when decisions can have a massive impact on the provinces.

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The pinnacle.

The Lions V Australia should be good.

Rugby is about the 8th preference sport in Australia.

They’ll be world cup favourite again then? France will hockey them when it really matters.

It is in its bollix. Marketing bollocks is all it is anymore.


You’ve some number of posts about it in the last week.

a mirror needs holding up to the Irish rugby public or we will find ourselves in a never-ending 4 year cycle guys

It’s four years away, it’s a few months since the last one, it’s absolutely painful listening to Irish rugby fans shiteing on about it. It’s the height of nonsense.