The 6 Nations 2024

Utterly crazy stuff. The obsession never ends with sexton.

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No one gives a fuck about the 6 Nations outside Paddy.

Sure the French team can’t take it seriously after their captain gave it a swerve so he could play tag rugby.


Woolie asked last week how hard it was to stick a ball under your arm and run. You’d have to say the Italians haven’t quite mastered the art yet.

They’ve had good underage teams the last few years though. Almost beat us at U20 on Friday night. Conor O’ Shea’s work finally starting to come to fruition there.

And as we all know, underage success is really more glorious than adult success.

Long term investment in growing the game in Italy is finally paying off. Still a big step up.

The gaa could learn a lot as hurling is dying off in a lot of counties.

The rugby admins seem to have a real appetite for actually growing the sport and not getting lost in history and mythology.

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They need to put a bit of focus into Wales as well now who like like turning into the Offally of international rubby


They need to get Jonathan Davies in as Chairman of the Board and get Gareth Bale to throw them a few bob so


Gerry Thornley had highlighted this as a concern

Paper of record confirm a flat atmosphere, WHERE WAS THUNDER???

Triumphant Ireland, but where is the noise?

The silence was deafening in the Aviva. Stone cold, downbeat quiet. Murmuring. You could hear the murmuring, especially in the second half when the benches emptied on to the pitch and Italy seemed to have shot their bolt and the game got a bit messy. And not much of a bolt was it? Even the late Irish tries got no more than a slight turn-up in volume. James Lowe barrelling in with three blue shirts on his back got barely the rise. Calvin Nash’s power try towards the end drew some clapping. But where was the noise? Where was the thunder? Where?

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Gerry’s obsession knows few bounds.

Gerry has no time for the new money prawn sandwich bandwagon crowd in the Aviva. He yearns the old money crew that went to Marseille for 4 days swilling the best of wine.

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in fairness, it was the equivalent of Rovers playing the likes of UCD, hard to be overly excited about it

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You would have known after about 5 mins that the game was going to be a win for Ireland and comfortable with it. The main thing of interest for me at least was good performances from the fringe players and that the Munster lads did themselves justice. The shout for the Nash try was all Munster fans giving it big licks.

I was at the game and the atmosphere was pretty muted. The two main reasons to my kind were the lack of competitive sporting tension and also the Sun kick off but mainly the first. I’ve been there on a Sun afternoon before for Irl v NZ and the place was hopping.

That issue was sorted out by Liam Sheedy and Joe Fortune on league sunday last night

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Did you listen to dalos podcast with the Longford coach? Incredibly tough.

I did. Hardy man