The Accents Thread

Is South Dublin not affluent in your mind? There are also affluent areas in Cork, Limerick, Galway, etc.

People may grow up in a place and then leave when they’re a teenager but put them back in with a group from the area 20 years later and the accent will return …alternatively wait til they get pissed and the accent comes out …

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posh cunts have already got that mid western accent, i’m not talking about them. I’m talking about normal people

You’re very classist

is posh cunt a class now? You brought affluence into it

And you dont know that it wasnt so go shit in your hat.

Iv a good pal from Killeagh and he says how’s it going gang non stop :joy:

He is normal enough lad otherwise

I’m a big fan of Simon Roper, a lovely young man.

I’d say the American tourists love this character.


Richard Dunne has a great accent. A quietly spoken proper Dub accent. Very soothing.

I hadn’t read your post but I was thinking about his accent myself during the first half. That phenomenon of working class Dubs sounding hilarious when they say words like “opportunity” & “possibility” carries through to Richard from the original Apres Match pillory of Frank Stapleton. Dunne was on pundit duty last night for the Italy-England game & it was also very funny when he said “athleticism”.


Not sure how you’d even describe Ian Harte’s?

Very odd

Dolores Keane on Tommy Tiernan last night. Rich, warm accent. She was enjoyable.


Did you notice that Ian harte now looks very like Dave O Leary?

Typical west Galway - right Tomma………


Sounds like an Aussie attempting a northern accent

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Whoever it is just abandons the accent half way through sentences, then remembers its supposed to be an irish accent at the start of the next one.

It is hilarious though.

Reattach me arm…

Yanks always morph into English ‘West Country’ accents when attempting Paddyspeak