The advanced gardening thread

The bit of rain helps I suppose.

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We’ve only had rain in the last 2 weeks. I was assiduously watering every second night

Oh and beetroot now.
For the last 3 months I’ve picked a massive bunch of Rhubarb for Mrs Fitzy every weekend as well. We see 4!stalks of rhubarb in Woolworths for $7, I go home and I pick $50 worth.

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Ating an apple from the garden here. Nothing like the tang of a native apple. Gorgeous


Made a tart out of apples from the garden up in Callan. Delish

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Is now a good time of year to dig up and reseed a lawn?

A man dropped me in some home grown tomatoes today. Unrale. There’s no need for anything with them bar a bit of salt and black pepper and you’d ate them as a meal. You’d forget what food is supposed to taste like sometimes


I think I’m going to have to think about digging up a pretty drastic portion of my front lawn.
It hasn’t rained here over winter (yet again) and we’ve started spring with days hitting 34 degrees (10 - 14 degrees above what we laughably call the average).
El Niño summer approaches, fuck all rain and stupid temperatures.
I have a completely yellow and dry lawn. I gave up watering it a few years ago as I just think that’s a stupid waste of water. I’m not keen on the fertilisers needed, the constant mowing and effort. For a lawn that really only looks well for a very limited time every year.
So looking at options to replace it.

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I grew a hape of them outside this year, blight just picked them off as the ripened. Then someone told me to take them in when green and spray them with vodka…they’ll ripen on their own. Funnily enough id have ripened pineapples in paper bags with bananas, i spose the same trick might work…

Chutney the back up plan

I was going to go with the fermented salsa option…i found a jar packed away along with the shoe polish …so it must be at least a couple of years old. It was unraleable

CAB was busy in Kerry last Friday. A seedy garden centre closed down.

B-seedy Garden centre? Or just a pun?



I was thinking more along the lines of a Piet Oudolf inspired prairie type with perrenials and grasses.

We live on a corner block. The corner itself is actually Council land, but I’ve populated it with various Agaves, Yuccas, Aeoniums and the like. I haven’t spent a cent on this, they’re all plants being thrown out by neighbours or that I’ve propagated from cuttings etc.
The two Agave Americanas started flowering a month ago and look magnificent. They’ll die when the finish flowering but there’s a pile of pups underneath.


Sure that’s a great display. A few big rocks would set it off nicely.

They say if you post a picture of a plant on the internet and ask for it’s name, nobody will answer. But post a photo with the wrong name and 20 people will answer. Those Agave are not americana, as americana is much larger, bluer, has a serrated edge and the flower spike would be much taller. Could be Agave tequilana or siselana or x nigra. But I’m no expert. I have a few americanas myself that I keep under glass. Not sure what I’ll do when they get too big.

You probably know that there are some very nice Agaves out there. Might cost a few bob. Agave victoriae-reginae (named after queen and country) springs to mind.

The variegated americana is also very nice.

Why do the prairie dogs howl?

Because them there prairies are full of cactus…

Are you doing a Pat Kenny on the council land?

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