The advanced gardening thread

I’ve been informed by a friend in the know that the Agaves in the foreground are Agave attenuata or one of its hybrids. The flower spikes (I didn’t notice this myself) are not from these but from the two plants behind. He doesn’t know what these are, but they’re not americana.

Definitely not Americana, which have serrated edges and are bluer as pointed out.
Maybe a Sharkskin? Hard to see on the phone.

The blooms appear to be from a Yucca in the background. Spanish Dagger maybe?

Naw, that’s an Agave flower spike alright.

I’d say they’d grow fairly well on the mild weathered peninsula and they’d certainly keep the badgers away.

Picked this morning. Silver beet and cabbages followed later.


Would there be folks out there delivering a tipper trailer of bark mulch? The ton bags seem bad value for money

You can get it for free from the council in Limerick but obviously you’d need to sort your own transport

Yea, delivery is the problem.

I found the above very reasonable to deliver stone/pebbles. Not mulch I know but longer lasting and more decorative if it suited your needs better.

Sorry, they do wood and stone mulch.

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Taunton deane perennial kale. Grows all year round, doesn’t bolt, a couple of leaves is enough to feed a family for a week. Unrale stuff. The can is just there to give a sense of what we’re dealing with here.


Anyone look at their grass and just miss cutting it and looking after it, or is it just me?

Just you.

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You’d see it as a chore?

Oh yeah.

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I genuinely find it therapeutic, not messing.


Would you consider buying a bit of land?

I don’t mind doing it, but I’m seriously questioning the amount of work and resources that go into a lawn.
Side lawn out the front and lawn beside the pool out the back are small and maneagable so I don’t mind them.
But then I have this vast expanse on a slope at the front of the house that has great swathes of yellowed and dead grass as it would take huge amounts of water daily to keep it going. I’ve got to get rid of it.

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Vertical garden