The advanced gardening thread

Not really. In summer it still gets dark before 9pm, it’s not like Ireland or the northern hemisphere where the day stretches well into the evening.
During winter, sunrise before 7am, sunset no later than 5pm.
It’s raining now and will do for the next few days, which is a change.
But winters tend to be very dry and while colder , plenty of sun. My rainwater tanks have run out in winter.
So I have an Autumn/ Wintet and Spring / Summer planting and crop.

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Lovely job. Ive a little bit of purple ‘broccolini’ finishing off at the minute…it’s like ating sweets

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You should try Snow Peas. Piss easy to grow, just need something to grow up on. They crop like mad. We ate them raw and then barely boiled. We get kilos of them, while in the shops they’re $25 + / kilo.


I have a large clan of badgers coming to the garden each night digging for food, they have the place fuckin destroyed. Any suggestions how I can stop them coming in?? I can’t fence it off.

Concrete the entire place

Have you no dog? Or even the loan of one for a night or two?

Went to Bloom today. First time going on the Thursday. Much less crowded than the other days I’ve been. Just me and all the other coffin dodgers. Grand day out. Except a lady on the Luas red line back into town had her phoned robbed at Heuston. Cunts.

Anything of interest there this year?

Mostly the same as previous years.

Not a blooming thing


Was the cactus man there this year?

Advice please. The daughter in her wisdom decided to have a bit of a bbq with her friends last night. This was the state of the back garden this morning

Scratch it out with a rake. Sprinkle on some grass seeds. Rake lightly and keep it watered every day until it becomes established again. Could mean watering every day for 2-3 weeks. Evening time is best.


Could you give us a wider view of the back garden? Ive a feeling the damage mightn’t be particularly noticeable

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It was visible on Google Earth this morning…


Place definitely has potential

That looks like flattys site


I don’t see any pile of tyres


I see henry shefflin over in the corner. The wagons are hidden in the dip

There’s no better gardening satisfaction than having clipped the hedge. Before and after…