The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

They basically have to beat Scotland.

They have lost once to Scotland in the last 13 times they played.

We are supposedly the best team in the World, or at least one of the top 2 or 3.

Fair enough Scotland are better than usual, but losing to them would be an abject failure.

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@gilgamboa will try and play this down, and it will be mighty funny to watch him do so, but you are correct.

Pundits and bookies seem to have it between these 4.

South Africa
New Zealand

Everyone of the other three countries will consider it a failure if they don’t win it out.

The lads here are worried about getting out of the group

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If Scotland beat South Africa it’s most likely beating Scotland may not be enough.

South Africa have not been great for a while now ever since the lions tour really which was a shambles.

They listless in last years final. They could still turn up but I doubt it. They’ve no fly half either.

Its the 4 year Irish Rugby cycle. We’re too far from the start of this one, but if you were to rewind 4 years, you’d remember how everyone felt going into the last WC.


The optimism was through the roof. There was no way we could fail to get to a semi final at least.

Every other teams form was shite.
We had the best manager.
Best preparation.
Best fans.
Best logistics.
Best outhalf (if a little injury prone and possibly undercooked)
Best lock.
Backrows coming out our arseholes (heh).

Fuck it we even had the best kit man.

It was identical, as it always has been. Irish Rugby is premium hype.

Lets see how it plays out this time Cotton.


Bookies have them third favs. Scotland are 4/1 to win that game.

Does anyone remember Carberry getting praised for kicking the ball out of play against Japan 4 years ago?


This guy fucked

The bookmakers aren’t always correct.

That’s for sure, but they are in this case. South Africa will bate them with their caps

What’s the basis for people talking about Scotland beating SA or Ireland? I don’t think they have any hope of either.

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I do think we are better off facing New Zealand in the 1/4s anyway. That would be some sort of victory for Ireland.

I wouldn’t really agree here. I’d give them a huge chance.

South Africa were hopeless against us last November and a few times this summer.

I’d give them a big chance of upsetting South Africa.

That then changes the Ireland v South Africa game into a straight Knock out tie for the boks.

That’s the sort of dynamic Ireland want to avoid imo.

You are then basically looking at 5 games in 5 weekends against the best teams. That’s a fair work load. You see last summer by the third test in New Zealand how many lads were crocked.

The injuries we will get will probably define our chances.

Just in case lads dont remember how bad, truly awfully bad it was 4 years ago, here are some beautiful highlights of the shit show. Including Rory McIlroy breaking his hole laughing at how bad they were at the 8.20 mark

If Porter stays fit they’ll win the group. I’m officially calling the Jocks beating the Boks too.

How many of the rugby set here have been frog splatted in your day?

Come on lads, out with it you shower of frog splatters.

You must have been fair drunk Friday night kid