The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Oh weā€™d only be in the hapenny place to the smugby lads in coming up with excuses to suit the narrative.

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One of Leinsterā€™s main problems is that they generally play so many loose games of rugby in a Harlem Globetrotters style that they cough up scores a bit too easily which comes back to bite them at the business end of the season. Their style of play certainly isnā€™t boring even if many of their games are boringly one sided. Ireland have been playing a fairly varied game under Andy Farrell too.

Hastoy from LĆ” Rochelle was very good against Leinster in the Champions Cup final. Heā€™ll be an option too.

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Francois Trihn Duc is surely still tipping around the place and knows how to get things done on the really big stage.

He was there in 2007 as a teenager Iā€™m pretty sure.


The French do have a bit of a tradition of drafting in an out-half from the cold. I think they did something similar with a veteran Freddie Michalak before the 2015 World Cup.

Youā€™re motoring well now kid you have the first mover advantage keep her lit

The pressure is on now

Sorry, badly put, but that was my point. If they played like England, fans would find something else to do

They love taking a 9 and trying to make him the 10 too the daft fuckers.

Well well well.

Good one mate :roll_eyes:

After spending two hours analysing form lines and reading various pieces Iā€™m still not sure how Ireland will do.

Itā€™s mad Farrell, Catt and o Connell have all have been involved in various disasters at the World Cup.

The Scotland game is also looking much trickier now than before.

I wouldnā€™t actually rule out the Scotā€™s taking out South Africa.

So much depends on sexton. It has the potential to be another disaster. Heā€™ll have about 80 minutes of rugby in six months at 37 years old. You just couldnā€™t script it.

Iā€™d also slightly worry about James Lowe. On the rare occasions Leinster lose lowe seems to absolutely lose the head altogether. Healy again is a loss. Particularly given he actually played a little hooker this season and tight head.

Iā€™m nudging towards another disaster.

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Youā€™ve 4 days of beer and the fear. Iā€™d say the analysis might be affected by thatā€¦


I would rule the Scots out of taking our SA. SA have a suspicious ability to peak to perfection in recent times.
Fact is, we could play great, and not get out of the group if weā€™ve no luck.

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Iā€™ve been deeply unimpressed with South Africa in recent games.

They basically have to beat Scotland.

They have lost once to Scotland in the last 13 times they played.

We are supposedly the best team in the World, or at least one of the top 2 or 3.

Fair enough Scotland are better than usual, but losing to them would be an abject failure.

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@gilgamboa will try and play this down, and it will be mighty funny to watch him do so, but you are correct.

Pundits and bookies seem to have it between these 4.

South Africa
New Zealand

Everyone of the other three countries will consider it a failure if they donā€™t win it out.

The lads here are worried about getting out of the group

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If Scotland beat South Africa itā€™s most likely beating Scotland may not be enough.

South Africa have not been great for a while now ever since the lions tour really which was a shambles.

They listless in last years final. They could still turn up but I doubt it. Theyā€™ve no fly half either.