The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Is Doris badly injured now too?

Id say you are correct on leavy

Doris is seeing a concussion specialist in the UK.

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Possibly not. All the more reason to give POM a contract.

Theyā€™re pissing money away giving Oā€™Mahony a two year contract at this stage of his career.

I donā€™t see why. Heā€™s been consistently first choice for a few years and his injury profile is good. Thereā€™s every reason to expect him to continue to be in the first four backrows for matchday national squads for another year or two.

Doris is far from a certainty to even play again Im hearing.
Stander is there as little else but Conan Deegan and Doris (as an 8) will have him usurped by time of next world cup.
You said above he was playing well but I dont agree that POM has played consistently well in a long time. Ruddock has even shown more of late. But Beirne and even Henderson if not in the row should be well ahead of POM on current form for starting 6. A snarling, combative POM is right back up in the pecking order tho.

But VDF/Connors are behind him for 7, or were before the red card.

THey have an embarrasment of riches. Scott Penney barely even gets mention and he set a new record the other night. Kid is a gun.

I think Farrell has also come in as new guy and instead of immediately putting his stamp on things, has looked to be more measured and not rock the boat with selecting young blood.

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Thatā€™s the point, if you had all the back rows in Ireland fully fit POM would be in the top five, and even at that two of them may never be even seen again. Conan is no great shakes at all, a poor manā€™s Doris. Ruddock hardly going to leapfrog POM at this stage either.

Iā€™m not saying heā€™s setting the world on fire but there arenā€™t many guys ahead of him, and heā€™s been consistent and has a decent injury profile. I think heā€™s worth the contract.

Who the fook is Murray Kinsella?


I dont agree. If youre not going on specific positons and just form backrowers Beirne, Penny, Will Connors, Ruddock, Stander, VDF all ahead of him on form. ODonoghue, acting capatain, had a big game last week and could really be pushing at province finally

Conan is no great shakes at all

Thought the same but, if he gets back to full fitness, youll be proven wrong. He was about to be starting 8 at the last world cup with either Stander moving to 6/bench or POM to bench. Never impressed me much for first couple of seasons as looked sheepish. Was in very good form heading into WC and stood out for Leinster in HC that season.

Ruddock hardly going to leapfrog POM at this stage either
Id say it not entirely unlikely. Red card + form would have brought a lot closer to parity when selecting between the two.

I would genuinely love to see POM back at full tilt. Hes a very impressive guy on and off the field. I think hes a throwback to old munster guard that I love too. As in, when at his rude best, his opponent might still get the better of him but will have to fully earn it, every thing is contested. I genuinely would be all for seeing the guy come back to form.

But rewarding him with the certainty of international pay I dont think is fitting.

A holder of an underage All Ireland so show him some fucking respect.

Advertising guru. Came up with the Mars slogan.

Helps you work rest and play?

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Thatā€™s the Baaaii.

Iā€™d say you know a good bit more than me about it but I think that most of those have a way to go to prove themselves as good as POM at international level. Conan is 28 and yet to make the step up, Ruddock has never been better than POM yet and probably isnā€™t going to, Connors maybe but yet to fully convince, VDF is grand but doesnā€™t seem a highly influential player, JOD and Penny yet to show it at a high level yet (they might). Coombes is exciting and should be involved already. Beirne is a super addition, canā€™t believe he was overlooked so long.

Very important the IRFU get this contract stuff right so they can go out at the quarter finals in 2023 with no regrets


He was in the Munster acadamey and his Dad passed away and he left the academy and and moved to France and played a bit of rugby

Iā€™d say he would have tipped over to la rochelle for a payday if he hadnā€™t got that contractā€¦

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Yes a very worrying situationā€¦ He was back training during the week thoughā€¦ What level of training I donā€™t know