The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Kinsella is actually an alright sort. Hes one of the best in media for analysis. Better than a lot of the ex pros that get tv gigs


Hes not. Stop telling lies.

Heā€™s a thoroughly decent fella. He was an ok player too. Got his degree and spent a few years in France playing at a low level and reporting on the top 14.

Lads on here get very threatened if a fella has an unusual name or a posh accent.

The wagons being circled around Murray the cunt.

He has 1 if not 2 under 20s AIL medals with bohs. When the under 20s was a serious competition. On the same team as killer

Wait, he has an underage All Ireland?

That fucking changes everything. Its a well known fact that an underage All Ireland trumps all others.

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Yep he might have gotten a game or two for the Munster As.

Heā€™s a very nice fella and I find his analysis excellent.

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Met him a few times hes sound. Very good analysis

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Thatā€™s a bit of an arbitrary time limit to say no one at 32 can play at a WC. Plenty lads still playing at their best around then. Youā€™d think theyā€™d be wanting to move on from POM and Stander soon but itā€™s not like a load of guys are ahead of them just yet either. Even if heā€™s on a central contract it doesnā€™t necessarily mean he should be selected.

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Murray seems like a decent sort.


He said central contracts. They fucked Munster
Over by refusing to give zebo and Ryan ones.

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A crocked Heaslip got a contract ahead of them iirc

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I know. Iā€™m saying why shouldnā€™t he get one. Heā€™s still probably in the top four or five picks for back rowers for Ireland. Heā€™s a key player for Munster and like you said they owed Munster. Itā€™s also a reward for his service to date, I think he merits one. Just because heā€™s on a central contract doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a very expensive central contract either.

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I wouldnā€™t have a problem with him getting a Munster extension. Lot to still pass on thatā€™d be if value. But if itā€™s national extension, i donā€™t think he warrants it. National squad selection should have added pay bonuses for Oā€™Mahoney or something of that ilk but no way he should be getting a central contract I donā€™t think.

J also think heā€™s exactly the type to respond positively to adversity. Itā€™s his very nature. Telling him heā€™s ā€˜not good enough for national team pay certainty, go on away and show you areā€™ I think would benefit us as much as him who I think has gone stale

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Why though? Heā€™s still viewed as a first choice Ireland player or close enough. And heā€™s given a lot of service. It could be viewed as a reward for that and an incentive for guys to stay in Ireland. It also assists Munster and frees them up to spend their own money on salaries. I think it seems fair enough. Rugby fans seem mad to cut guys as soon as they approach 30.

I donā€™t think he should be first choice 6 even at Munster let alone Ireland. Heā€™s been seriously lacking in peformance for a while and I genuinely would have had him as one of my favourite players for a long while.

How free up Munster payments? The IRFU dictate the contracts and top-up above and beyond what the province pay.

I genuinely think cutting him and making him fight, which is his greatest attribute, is the best for both parties here. A disgruntled, affronted Oā€™Mahony is a serious dog of war but been long time since consistently seen. Perhaps the cushtiness of perma-selection has contributed to that staleness. And now his poor performances are getting further reward.

He was first choice for Farrell anyway, he was very good for Ireland toward the end of last year I think. I think heā€™s been good for a while now, stupid red card excepted.

Maybe I donā€™t understand the pay structures properly but if heā€™s on a central contract does that not free up a few quid for Munster?

Oā€™Mahoney is arguably an open side now, alongside Coombes and CJ at Munster and CJ and Doris/Beirne for Ireland. With Leavy out again Pete is nailed on for a spot in the 23 for Ireland.

People can quibble with it but Doris Stander and POM are the first choice back row for Ireland. Maybe Beirne is now edged in there. If Leavy gets fulky fit again heā€™s there too, thatā€™s Irelandā€™s top five back row players and POM is going o consistently be in the mix for another while yet.

Doris and Leavy wonā€™t ever play for Ireland again.