The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

The next week is pivotal for Andy Farrell. 3/5 and thereā€™s shades of 2011 when we lost narrowly to France and Wales but 1/5 and I think he should be under major pressure. He hasnā€™t blooded as many young players as we needed.

What about 2/5?

Think Eddie Oā€™ Sullivan was sacked after a 2/5 campaign in 2008. Declan Kidney got the bullet after a 1.5/5 campaign in 2013.

And thatā€™s the problem with team of us. Everything is placed on the 6 nations and thatā€™s why theyā€™ll never do anything at a WC.


At least Farrell can point to his strong record previously. Oh wait.


Give it Lancaster and Cullen

I think Farrell has the weakest pool of players since the late 1990s .

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3/5 would actually be a good return for him.

Leo Cullen has been blackguarded by the irfu

You wouldnā€™t mind 2/5 from at all if he was blooding lads like Craig Casey, Harry Byrne, Ronan Kelleher and Ryan Baird but heā€™s risk averse.

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Thatā€™s probably arguable in fairness, but thereā€™s still a lot of decent players there. I donā€™t know much about it but I think a lot of his selection decisions have been terrible and really show him up. There doesnā€™t appear to be much of a discernable game plan, or at least one that works very well, and all the pundits seem to agree on that too. Itā€™s not like you can see what theyā€™re trying to do but it hasnā€™t clicked yet. Heā€™s there two years now. I donā€™t think heā€™s shown anything to suggest heā€™s the right guy for the next two years and I think the better decision would be to cut him now.

It looks like thereā€™s a serious team there in a year or two, if they can find an outhalf.

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I think the issue is youā€™ve very players in the prime of their careers. Youā€™ve some really good players in Healy, stander, Murray, sexton, earls and o Mahony past their peak and theyā€™ve youā€™ve some young players who are a couple of seasons away from their peak.

Doris is on the come back and Combes looks a sensational prospect. I think thereā€™s green shoots but Iā€™m not convinced by Farrell.

will still have a lot to contribute to Oirish rugby over the next 30 years

Aye, by Zoom.


Who knew it was possible to pen a retirement statement more boring than a GAA playerā€™s?


Presently. But thereā€™s an unreal squad in about another 2-3 years. Not sure heā€™s the one to develop it tho

as unreal as the previous squads :grinning:


Oh mate, thereā€™s no way thats worse than some of the drivel the GPA have come out with.