The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Should get a long ban now the filty fucker

I see Quin Roux has decided 16 caps for Ireland is enough and is off to the south of France to gather a few more quid. Amusingly he has stated in his farewell speech that he is going to keep the house in Galway so he can return and raise his family there - Iv a feeling that decision may be reviewed in the coming months.


You tell it much better than ā€œformer international cashes in for retirementā€

Roux a decent journeyman club player will collect a nice few quid in France no doubt. Hard to believe he picked up 16 caps

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Always hated that cunt. Not surprising to see him finish his career with a cunt act.

Iā€™d imagine heā€™ll go to league as near certain he had a background in it.

Edit: nope, Iā€™m wrong. Didnā€™t play league. Cant fuck off there anyway


Canā€™t believe he is just 30, only coming into his prime. Yes considering his limited abilities 16 caps is a great haul, albeit he had to move country to get them.

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Where would Quin Roux with 16 caps stand in the pantheon of most decorated Galwegians club men?


Surprised Munster didnā€™t sign him, theyā€™d nearly have the full set.

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What did your friend think of that joke. It must have driven him mad

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We are losing out saffers left right and central. Itā€™s a sad day for irish rugby

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Behind Elwood but ahead Of Matt Mostyn id say

It did alright I was delighted with it.

Roux would be in the conversation for sure, just unfortunate for him he came through at the same time as Bundee so his achievements have been overshadowed a little. Bundees Lions call-up assures him of top spot, Elwood then ahead of Roux. Whatever Galwegians done to get a crop like Roux and Bundee through together should be closely studied by other clubs across Ireland.


Youā€™ve left gatty out of the conversation. Iā€™m appalled.

Johnny ā€˜Concreteā€™ Oā€™Connor has to be in the mix.

The casserley family are galwegians greatest.

I think both he and Noel Mannion are Corinthians .

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Mannion certainly is as far as I remember, though was there a bsloe connection also?

In fact, the Casserley family are just about the finest group of people I have ever met.

He is Garbally College anyway

Funny that a jigery pokery paddy will have a comment like this on an article questioning the irfus policy of recruiting players from the southern hemisphere