The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Huh ?

You are saying cullan has no answer hes tactics work they lost a game in the last minute. This is fine margins, if it wemt the other way he was a genius thats top level sport.

What do munster have to do with it? Leinsters style of play and tactics allowed them to beat munster with a third team out. Thats what it has to do with it. If cullan was clueless how did leinster top the URC and reach a European cup final?

They were 21/20 Saturday morning with Powers. Hardly rank outsiders. Just sayingā€¦ā€¦

They lost a game they were heavy favourites to win.

I know there is fine margins but there undoing was not dissimilar to the last three defeats in Europe.

It was fairly obvious Lowe was totally unmarked and not once did Leinster try a cross kick.

Cullen seems to be above criticism. Heā€™s clearly done very well at certain things but yet again they lost a winnable game when it really mattered.

I find that very hard to believe ? They spread was 12 points for the final.

Iā€™d imagine thatā€™s what you were looking at.


Huh exactly.

My bad. Youā€™re on the ball. Soz!

I think Leinster were 1/5 to win Iā€™m not sure tbh.

I think there would have been a sense that they fell over the line in a similar way to New Zealand against France in the 2011 World Cup Final. Leinster arenā€™t far removed from the Ireland international team. That they havenā€™t won the Champions Cup since 2018 is a damning enough indictment. Itā€™s easy sweep up Pro 14/URCā€™s or whatever itā€™s called now. Theyā€™ve had the best spread of talent but havenā€™t won it in 4 years and Iā€™m from Leinster.

All the good Karma for Leinster vanished when poor @Pirlo was accosted in the Aviva while minding his own business at the semi-final.


Donā€™t forget in the 2018 final racing lost carter and two scrum halves by the twentieth minute and it took an absolute howler from teddy Thomas late on to hand the game to Leinster.

You hear absolutely zero criticism of Cullen in the Irish media.

Good analogy to RWC 2011 tbf. They didnt win the final granted but to soley balme the loss to the coaches is madness. They will be there abouts next year. Close to a full international team too. If they won itā€™ll be lauded as a great achievement for irish sport etc all the same. Great thing about sport is the best team on paper doesnt always win, also the best team in the match doesnt always win. Doesnt make them a poor team, maybe bottlers in some examples

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Leinster, or anyone, dont have a divine right to win the Champions cup. The narrative since is that they lost it rather than LAR winning it


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Back to more pressing matters. Do Munster / Ulster meet Leinster in the semi final of the league ?

Thought they had to go to SA for semi final but not sure

Cullen seems a very nice man, and Leinster are consistently excellent. Thereā€™s nothing to criticize.

Thatā€™s complete rubbish nobody is above criticism.

Cullen is clearly very good at certain things but yet again when push came to shove Leinster were found out tactically under him.

Iā€™d imagine heā€™ll replace mick Dawson as ceo of Leinster and do well but the easy ride he gets from the media is hilarious.

They were massive favorites. They shouldnā€™t have been in a situation where they were depending on a LAR handling error at the end to get out of jail.

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You canā€™t criticise Cullen heā€™s a nice man.

Second captains review is fairly good tbf to shane Horgan and Andrew Trimble.

Iā€™d sort of agree, but itā€™s a final and strange things happen. Nonetheless they have set and maintained a very very high standard of club rugby.