The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

I’m sure there was. Planning issues around bkocking light to those other houses was the problem. If say the shit end designed to be easily changed


When they redevelop it again they should turn the pitch 90 degrees and have it on a North South axis rather than east west. They could take that 5g pitch and do that. Every big stadium in this country is built on a fucking east west axis which means they are all wind tunnels and games are inordinately affected by the wind.

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Its so shit, its iconic in a way.

Before the Denmark play off all those years ago, George Hamilton goes 'The Havelock Square End is a Sea of Red. The rest, is all Green".


I heard they were slowly trying to buy the houses. It’ll take quite some time and money you’d imagine no guarantee they’d get planning either. They’d be better served bringing the big games to croker once the sponsorship deal is up, provided the figures work

Croker is a travesty for soccer and rugby. Pitch is just too big.


I see David Pocock was elected to the senate in Australia. 34

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Rassie retweeted some hardcore porn. A classic defence to clear up what he was at for the evening

A great guy

Leinster beat Glasgow 76-14.

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Great performance, a week too late

Leinster are the Man City of rugby


Are you gonna change your moniker ?

Why would I do that? My pronouns are he/him mate

Sounds like Cullen got his tactics spot on by letting Glasgow take a 7-0 lead

‘Cullen’ ‘tactics’

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Heaslip constantly using nicknames when talking to/over Jackman and Stringer on RTE is very annoying: ‘Strings’ ‘Birch’:roll_eyes:

Jesus some scoreline. Not often you get that let alone in the quater final of a tournament

Fellas think cullen has poor tactics on here

Only when it counts

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