The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Would Crowley have gone?

I think if there a security that you are staying in the system would chance the dynamic. It’s different to heading off on your own back imo. I don’t think it’s a lack of ambition. He’d have college to weight up and probably not that much money either but If you created a loan system it much be much easier.

I wouldn’t agree tbh. So if he was sent on loan to lá rochelle he gets a safety net that if it doesn’t work it comes back… How is that good business for Munster? If it does work Munster would want him back anyway and his own negotiation position is improved.

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Sure it can’t be much worse than not playing ? Players need to play to improve. If he doesn’t play he won’t improve.

The fear with the provinces is if the players leave they won’t come back which I understand. If you create a loan system I think the provinces will be more open to it.

I agree with this. But it doesn’t explain why crowley refused the move to lá rochelle

Because he was offered a contract by his home province where he is likely getting a third level education.

I don’t think it’s fair to say a lad lacks ambition to give up everything at 19/20 and head off to France. He’d be one injury away from being fucked and at the moment you are almost black marked by the irfu if you do leave the system.

Unless your parents are minted it’s incredibly risky. The irfu should support these lads instead off cutting them off.

So he decuded to take the safe secure option which likely meant less game time and less development. I’m not saying I blame him. Just that it lacks real ambition

You keep rolling this lack of ambition stuff. It’s really weird.

If your son had the same offers you’d only be telling him to do one thing and it wouldn’t be to head to France.

When I was up in Dublin a Clareman used to call around if stuff needed to be sorted out fixed etc. Ciaran Frawley’s dad. A sound man.

Creepy Frawley as he was known.

Is it? Or is it just my truly held view which you don’t happen to agree with. Which is fine too btw

You want young players to take out a loan to fund their own move abroad? This idea is getting even stupider.

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Jesus no.

I want them to loaned like we see in soccer.

My apologies kid!

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That was a very inexperienced team when all is said and done. The Maori knowing this targeted our ruck and cleaned us out. Hopefully lots of learning taken on board.

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You steamer

Incredible skill on show here @Thomas_Brady

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A rugby international was in my young lad’s school last week. How did you get on I said. Not great he said. He was handing out photocopied autographs.

He ran into Jason Knight the week before who was happy to take a photo and sign his football for him.


IS NZ -11 a good bet? What way is this shaping up?

What time is throw in tomorrow?