The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

South Africa bludgeoning their way to victory in Argentina.

Very disappointing sporting fare from the Antipodes this morning. Just as well I slept most of it out.

New Zealand were awarded one of the most ridiculous try’s of all time.

The all blacks have found three or four different players in the last few weeks.

Jaysus. Bundee Aki in bother I’d say. Very pumped up and very angry :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Lions v Hyenas on RTE 2. I genuinely thought it was a URC game for a minute.


Disappointing to see such soccer behaviour creeping into rugby

Munster bet by the Welch :flushed:
Donners is not a happy bunny

Beaten by wan o dur own

Be interesting to see if bundee gets any blowback for the rrage

Bundee was let off bigtime with the last red card iirc. He’ll get a nice 3 months but probably has enough credit in the bank to still make the rubby world cup squad even, if he’s in Conor Cooney 2018 form.

Bundee is not that kind of player.

Ruh oh

Very poor form from the chaps in question. Could this not have been solved by a Captains Dinner, drinking games and a rousing rendition of Irelands Call… so much for #teamofus. Seriously though professional rugby is facing massive challenges in relation to head injuries and it’s only when a really big name (with all due respect to the individuals here) takes a case that things might change and there will be proper sanctions for cheap shots, repeated red cards etc.

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I hope bundee Aki is reading

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And then they go and get jobs in the financial services after all those bangs to the head…

From the Indo.

(Frightening what these men, and presumably many others, went and are going through. Even if they get a hefty payout at the end of proceedings it won’t make up for their ill health.

Hopefully the likes of O’Driscoll and Donal Lenihan will come out and support these guys, putting aside their own self interest in terms of media work and links to the provinces & IRFU who are being sued.)

Three rugby players, including two former internationals, have issued legal proceedings against the Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) in what are believed to be the first of a raft of cases related to concussion.

Proceedings were initiated by David Corkery, Declan Fitzpatrick and Ben Marshall in the High Court in Dublin yesterday.

All three are being represented by Maguire McClafferty, a Dublin law firm which announced last year it was preparing a number of rugby concussion cases.

Mr Corkery (49) played 27 times for Ireland between 1994 and 1999. His action is against the IRFU, Munster Rugby and World Rugby.

In an interview earlier this year, he said: “I got so many concussions, I lost count. I’ve suffered from depression for years.”

Mr Fitzpatrick (39) played seven times for Ireland in 2012 and 2013. He is suing the IRFU, Ulster Rugby and World Rugby.

He quit the sport after suffering six concussions in his career, four of them in his final three seasons.

Mr Marshall (32) lined out for Leinster and Connacht between 2010 and 2017, when he was forced to retire due to concussion. His lawsuit is against Leinster Rugby, Connacht Rugby, the IRFU and World Rugby.

There was no immediate comment from Maguire McClafferty.

In a previous statement to, the firm said it was handling a number of rugby concussion cases within this jurisdiction in cooperation with solicitor Richard Boardman and UK law firm Rylands Legal.

“We act for a number of retired professional rugby players, all of whom have played for both province and country. Further cases are coming forward on a regular basis,” the statement said.

The firm said clients were undergoing medical tests in conjunction with a team of leading neurologists, scientists and healthcare professionals.

It said any proceedings issued would be supported by evidence from these medical experts and from a multidisciplinary team of experts assembled by Rylands in the UK.

Maguire McClafferty also said it expected the proceedings would be opposed by the rugby authorities in Ireland and may therefore take some time to be resolved.

Last July, Rylands launched a class action lawsuit against World Rugby, the Rugby Football Union and the Welsh Rugby Union.

The claimants included prominent former internationals, including English World Cup winner Steve Thompson, former Wales captain Ryan Jones and the former All Black Carl Hayman.

Corkery is a big name

I think you’re asking a bit much of him…

Mad as a bag of spider’s. Might justify some unsavoury opinions hes made public