The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Might bring money back to reasonable levels

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The club game is huge in France. More like a religion. Down south I’d say it’s like a Munster championship type spiritual love in.

The English clubs completely over spent to compete with the French clubs and/or avoid relegation.

Hard to have much sympathy for them to be honest. They destroyed the European cup which was a cracking competition until bt got involved.

That format with 6 groups and the 2 next best qualifying will never be topped.

For all they are wankers Anything sky touches can turn to gold. F1 and the premier league. Nfl is huge now in Ireland and Britain.

Once sky lost the la liga rights nobody really watches anymore either.


The demise of clubs in England should be a wake up call over there to adopt a model similar to ours, or drive down the overall wage bills across the board, which will benefit ireland as it wont be as attractive for players to go to England. In france its much bigger but there are clubs barely hanging in but i see no change. I see the rfu taking over the Premiership from whatever entity is running it in the next few years

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What would an average salary be for e.g. a Munster rubby player who is not an international. Just a provinical player. €50k a year? More?

100k but short deals


I think the bond was 35m pound and they effectively bought the stadium with it. But coukdnt afford to buy the car park next to it from the council. This scuppered all redevelopment plans and killed the value of their investment

Agreed. They have also put the SH unions under financial pressure with the overall wage inflation and the problems they had in holding onto their players when UK sides came knocking

Decent enough money, if you were smart with your saving etc, you could come out of it after a few years mortgage free, and with a few quid in the bank to go back to study etc if needed.

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There’s an element of these sporting organisations not knowing their place.
They all think they can be like soccer and attract a massive global following, even if they go behind pay per view. Horse racing made a similar mistake. People want easily accessible content. You’d hardly even know when Munster are playing European matches these days.


Agreed. The race to ape soccer was v foolish. But you sell out to the sky’s and the BTs and the private equity funds there you go.

European Cup rugby back on terrestrial TV anyway which is a help


The Welsh will surely have another go now at leaving the URC and throwing their lot in with the English league. If the other English clubs lose the income of 2 of their 11 home league games this season they will come under major pressure as well.

They are broke to the ropes as well. Would premiership allow them in? Worcester and Wasps still own their share in the premiership so they would need to buy that share for starters, would the other premiership clubs let in weak sides with no money?

Both URC and premiership tied together through CVC so a British and Irish league would be a good outcome but what happens SA and Italians etc then.

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I dont see the english letting the welsh in tbf

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7% was unhinged though.

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Majority of them would study away during the contract I’d say

One of the bizzarities of finance, people who can’t afford it have to pay more for money, than people who can

In this case a 7% coupon won’t help when they are going to try and weasel out of paying you back

Was the bond with a completely unconnected third party to the club I wonder?

Would Munster rubby pay the fees? Hardly. Still though, a €100k a year means nothing when you retire and your body is fucked and you can’t remember your own name.


I don’t know but it woukdnt be that unusual for an employer to subsidise an employee study would it?

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I would doubt they pay full price to UL either given the close relationship, if they pay anything at all

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