The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

You didnā€™t know who was in the final up to an hour ago, now you are an authority on attendances. The graph below shows the clear direction of travel

Your determination to engage with me shows at least a willingness at your end to educate yourself, but I donā€™t always have the patience required to teach a slow learner Iā€™m afraid.

You are caught talking through your hole again.

Sale v sarries have average attendances of less than 10k.

60k is a terrific attendance.

Stop talking rubbish.

Sure Borthwick looks and sounds hopeless.

He was flustered there Saturday when asked did the Farrell situation impact preparation and would the billy v impact this week.

All he had to do was say these situations could occur during a World Cup so we have to learn from them. Instead he was fumbling and flustering with nonsense.


Covid may have had something to do with that

Long Covid? Or are you suggesting the average rugby supporter was in the older age group? They have left out the years 2020 and 2021 in the graph anyway to ensure that the finals with restricted attendances havenā€™t skewed the figures.

General covid and crowd fear. The rugby demographic is overwhelmingly white ex rugby players in the UK. The disconnect from their routine, and the ties to their clubs were Iā€™m absolutely certain loosened by a two year break. Itā€™s not a demi-religion like soccer, which for many is the centrepiece of their time outside work, itā€™s more a pastime, and people found others.
The same happens in Ireland when the national or provisional teams drop away. The support does too. Generally, rugby fans arenā€™t as zealous as association football fans. It takes less for them to drift.
Having said that, I donā€™t think professional rugby in England is far from going under completely.

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Iā€™d add that appointing an honest but limited mullocker like borthwick meant they significantly added to their own demise medium term. People want to be entertained, and the average paying fan is happier watching a loss with panache than a 10-7 drab win.
If the all blacks played like England,or Leinster Munster or Ireland for that matter, crowds would fall off a cliff.

All of that is true. Iā€™d also say the many awful stories of what repeated concussions have done to retired players has had an impact on many supporters appetite for the sport. Knowing everything we now know it can be hard enough watching young men staggering off the field game after game.

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Itā€™s odd, rugby league is a much better game to watch, but every second tackle would be a yellow or red card. Really need to combine the two and find a happy medium.

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Iā€™d say that the remaining Munster fan base has that demi-religious element.
Speaking of which i see that a nearby parish church is flying the Munster rugby flag and the irfu flag. An attempt at populism I suppose.

You do realise theyve a population of 70 million, yeah?

The average attendance in the premiership rugby game is around 13-14k for the last decade.

Unless you start giving tickets for free you ainā€™t going to get a big crowd for sale v sarries.

Youā€™re basically saying the two teams get shit attendance all the time so relative to that the final attendance is not so bad. Itā€™s a silly line of reasoning, the headline is that the attendance is shit, and falling.

25k of them have taken a dim view of Farrell and Vunipola tackles since the Wales game

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I think the attendance is falling but sale and sarries is also an outlier two really poorly supported teamsā€¦the fact the season completely fell apart with two teams dropping out, massive fixture rescheduling and huge gaps between fixtures also a factor.

I think the premiership is absolutely fucked. In fact id say itā€™s a point iv been making for over a decade that it isnā€™t a sustainable long term approach they have had

You think 60k between sarries v sale is a shit attendance ?

Saracenā€™s stadium has a capacity of 10k.

Sales isnā€™t much bigger Iā€™d say. I was at a sale game in 07 and there was more Munster fans there.

Itā€™s shit compared to previous Premiership final attendances; I think that is the point. Only two Premiership clubs have capacities greater than 20,000

Do you think the teams in the final is in no way a factor so?

It surely is.

Sarries would have zero support from any neutrals compared to say Harlequins or someone who play really exciting rugby.

I didnā€™t watch the sarries and sale final on tv even id say, both their styles wouldnā€™t attract many nautrals

For sale v sarries to attract 60k is seriously good going no matter way you want to dice it.

I was just reading there sale had an average attendance of 6k for the season and that was up on the previous season.

Theyā€™re crying out for the likes of Bath, Gloucester and Northampton to get back strong again.

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