The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

fuckin asylum seekers ye have the country ruined

Romanian baby?

I still have one, an old adidas one. Spotted it in my folks garage when pottering around the other day


Will O’Donoghues Dublin cousin has some top top bantz

The oirish fans patting themselves on the back for singing La Marseillaise. Great craic, so they are.


Did they take off their shoes and hoist the CEO of the irfu up on their shoulders yet?

Any nuns getting their tyres changed?

They are struggling to match the soccer lads at the euros tbf


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It’s a good job they’re not Muslim.

Are they implying O’Farrell is going to betray them and Sexton will be crucified?

A thiarna dĂŠan trocaire

We used to be a proper country @peddlerscross


Hell of a gesture.

Dela also bought a bunch of Abbey CBS LC students a round of Jagerbombs in Tipp Town one Saturday night around a decade ago far away from the cameras and bright lights of Tallinn.


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Why was Dela trying to get a bunch of teenagers drunk?

He got terribly shafted. A proper man of the people

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Giving away your age there mate

Who said I was one of them?

Kevin Potts is not a man of the people, unlike the great JD.

Today, I am feeling South African


The hype is gone into overdrive alright. You’d swear it was a final.

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