The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

This type of response could only come from a muck savage. Iā€™d say those lads drinking Rose will aggravate many muckers.

Iā€™m not in the better of it myself

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Surely the lads are allowed kick back and relax and enjoy themselves?

You havent lived until you have had rose and a cheese board in France


Yeah but some poor French lad will be enjoying his cheese plate later and will have his leg pissed on during some horseplay


I think heā€™s kicking cockball now


The likes of this would sicken youā€¦oh we get it Cian youv absolutely broken your hole working to get back fit to represent your country. God sake not much need to plaster it all over social media


Jaysus thatā€™s a weird takeā€¦

Great to see DJ proper church back in the mix


Wouldnā€™t it be unreal if he got drafted into the squad and came on for the last 5 minutes of the final?


It would be wonderful for him.

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You couldnā€™t make it up

Scrum halves. Cunts to a man

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Today, I am feeling Scottish.

Alba gu brĆ th

Can Ireland exit today or do they have to wait for the quarters again?

They can exit today Iā€™m told. Some shite with bonus points needs to happen.

You get points for not getting hammered

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Learning the words to O Flower of Scotland here, just in case

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Folk have forgotten all about Joey Carbery kicking the ball out to secure a vital losing bonus point. Smh

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Sounds similar to Twigg of Scotland @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ?

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