The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Thereā€™s some of the roughest looking Welsh cunts after descending on Waterford City for the weekend. Presumably to watch the rugby in some God forsaken pub.

Isnā€™t that a bit of a tradition? Get the boat across to the South East and donā€™t bother going up to Dublin.

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#FreeGaff on the peninsula cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @Rocko @Big_Dan_Campbell @Funtime

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A gang used to come to Limerick back in the day also every 2 years. Proper rubby menā€¦ They drank in Charlie St. George and Austins

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Good luck to him

Thereā€™s a fair amount of Welsh who come over and donā€™t go to Dublin, just go to a random place for pints. I was at a stag a few years back in Kilkenny, and a rake of them in the city for the day on the booze. Handy on the ferry I suppose.

There was a load from Swansea in the Wacky Apple the weekend of Ireland Wales in the soccer around 2007. They said they also come across for the rugby too.

Itā€™s called the Hub now and there was a group of them outside it smoking.

Always good to have Gatty back in Lansdowne

I wonder did the IRFU give another set of deprived kids the opportunity to experience the atmosphere at that game today. Such a lovely moment to see the O Driscollā€™s get the chance to run out on Lansdowne as mascots the last time, I mean where would kids from such a background ever get the chance to experience that.

Ah lovely, Hugh Cahill. He is Irish rugby

Craig Casey reduced to running on with the kicking tea.

Heā€™s basically been the mascot for the last 12 months. Heā€™s like one of those lads on the fringes of an inter-county panel for years. But heā€™s professional so thereā€™s far more incentives in it for him.

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Incredible how little Sexton has been missed, the cheerleaders stuck us with him for far too long, probably cost Ireland a World Cup

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Dan Sheehan must be close to being the best player on the planet. Heā€™s absolutely unstoppable from that distance.

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Youā€™d have scored that yourself ffs sake

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I think itā€™s great to see an Irish man playing hooker for Ireland regularly again

Ref is riding wales

Most of those lads get held up now. He doesnā€™t.

Did you decide your previous reply was too ridiculous :roll_eyes:

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