The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Jesus mccgrath is shocking- fires the ball at Frawley’s head

Thats a very very bad call

Luke McGrath with another brainwave

High shot on Casey would be knee high on everyone else


I see the Northampton boys say they’re going to come into Croke Park all guns blazing.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1785781635885002896|twgr^e8d0cb27f142e426341b588aac23b487a824f645|twcon^s1_&

The stupid fucking cunt, after mentioning the history, in the exact same breath.

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In fairness to her, she consistently finds new ways to be more of an arsehole. @Kyle take note.

A doctor wanting people to be allowed drink more. That’s a rare one.

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She’s a DOCTOR.

Hilarious. Club teams cant get in for a training before a Club All Ireland, but here’s these lepjacks with the run of the place fluting around

HQ needs to get the assimilation commmitttteee on the case pronto

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Former Cork Hurler William Egan is now an international rugby player having never played rugby til 2019

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Never heard of him.

Played in 2013 AI finals.

He plays rugby for the cayman islands

He had a good oul tussle with Keaney in the 2013 semi - was reprised in the O’Byrne Cup the following January when he saw red after lifting Keaney out of it. He was with UCD then.

I don’t remember where i left me keys most mornings :roll_eyes:


So Cork could conceivably field a ball winning half-forward line of William Egan, Ben O’Connor and Young Sweetnam.

For the fucking Cayman islands :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Like Ireland, they’ve never made it past the World Cup Quarter Final stage either