The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2


Tim Riggins grandfather wrote that


You get a better class of person playing rugby.

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Who sits down in a meeting and agrees that Brent Pope would be the the best person in the country to be their brand ambassador.

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i think Brent is the answer to the question, “who can we get to do this for a case of wine?”


The shit eating grin on the cunt.

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Brent’s financial advisor I’d suspect.

Who the fuck buys wine from an off-license ??


as opposed to where? A wine shop?

I’ll slit your throat from ear to ear.


you wouldn’t cut butter :stuck_out_tongue:

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A petrol station is the TFK wine emporium of choice.

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All the one. If you know what you’re looking for, you don’t need to impress your dinner guests telling them where you bought it.
Some of the best bottles of plonk I tasted were bought in the likes of Carrefour and Mercadona. Granted that was on the continent where people don’t need to drone on about “OH MY GOOOODDDDDD. I’D LOVE A GLASS OF WINE AFTER WORK BUT BUT BUT. OMG YOU REALLY SHOULD TRY RIOJA. IT’S SOOOOOO NICE.” Nouveau middle class cuntheads.
Had someone remind me several times that a bottle of wine I got them as a present was “really good”, just to confirm their knowledge of the delicious bouquet. I know it was good. That’s why I bought it…
As part of my undergrad, I did one of these work abroad placement things, and spent it in Burgundy, surrounded by some of the best wines in the world. Late 90s. Some people I know who couldn’t point out Burgundy on a map back then are now lecturing me on good wines. FUCK AWAY OUT OF IT!

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go fuck yourself


Are you one of these wine hipsters?

Wine has buffs not hipsters . Beer and gin yes for hipsters .

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Could you recommend a good Bordeaux?