The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

You are in a tiny majority here. Stick with the horses and we will talk

I’d rather be in the minority.

Don’t agree. Province is in a good space at the moment. Will take another 2 or 3 years but we will get there.

Lay off the Blue Nun

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Some extremely talented players in the Ireland 20s team. They’ll seriously improve the squad in the next 12-18 months.



Poor ould ryle, this expose would never have happened on his watch

Trimble is obviously brain-damaged

What a knob


Is Barry involved in that show?

As if some Polish lass would know about a minority “sport”.

Rubby in a nutshell. Played by wankers. Commentated on by wankers and largely supported by wankers.

I honestly wouldnt bat a eyelid if it ever transpired that a stadium disaster left a few thousand rubby fans dead… I think culling rubby fans before they reproduce would actually be good for mankind.


Aren’t you after marrying into a rubby family?

Nah… 6 sisters - - 1 bro an artist. 1 bro an outdoors man … none of them with an interest in rubby or sport really … the mother in law will watch it on de telly alright.

Dogging is a noble passtime.

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What’s the story with this show?

The same rubby cunts would be all over a Michael Buble gig anyway.

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Looks like Rob Kearney is getting the heave ho there in Leinster.

Kearnivore no more.