The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

The question Kimmage is asking is why Heaslip wasn’t charged for failing a drug test. Records show him and Turnbull should have been charged but only Turnbull was. Turnbull was able to explain his high levels. It’s damning for the IRFU and Heaslip that they swept it under the carpet rather than go through proper procedure and be exonerated like Turnbull.


As I thought - fairly big climb-down from Kimmage here. He thought he was into something big but in the end there’s nothing much apart from poor recollection and probably hyped story for a book.

That’s not the question he’s asking at all, or certainly not now that he has the facts

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Has heaslip just made up the story or embellished it in an attempt to boast about his high testosterone which he thinks makes him look awesome or something?


The facts? :smiley::smiley:

Fuxking hell poor ol @mikehunt really missing the point

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Not sure. I’d imagine it was a big deal at the time for him - I’m sure the subtleties of drug test fail vs drug test abnormality would go past most young players and once it got cleared up prob made for a good anecdote. As ever with sports biographies they’re scrambling for stories unless they go down the “reveal my long-standing demons” route. I’d say there’s no fact-checking other than the interviews

You’re surely not more stupid than the way you portray yourself on here? I can only presume that you’re hopping a ball


The IRFU need to come out on this strongly

Hopping a flat ball

The inaccuracies are weird though. So he tried to embellish it for effect maybe?

Trojan work over the last two weeks to get their lies straight but it’s ok. The rubgy set approve.

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Well that was the effect anyway it seems - hard to know if it was deliberate or the equivalent of someone embellishing an anecdote over the years and almost believing the new version :man_shrugging:

He’s supposed to be the “smart one” of the “Golden Generation”.

The big thing I’m getting out of this is that Sports Ireland seems to allow the Irish provinces to drug-test their own players and then accepts those results and explanations. Heaslip seems to say that the Leinster doctor worked with him to help find a way for him to explain the results. Leinster are allowed to self-test on an asset (Heaslip) that was probably worth millions to them at that point in time.

The article specifically states the test was by Sport Ireland


So, to summarise: the Irish Sports Council (now known as Sport Ireland) had informed Heaslip he had tested positive, delivered a bundle of his previous samples for the Leinster team doctor to analyse, accepted the doctor’s conclusion that Heaslip was clean, and - as a result - had not referenced the case in their annual anti-doping report.


With respect you’re grasping at straws here. The Leinster goys seem well rattled for whatever reason, I don’t know why, but I don’t spend my life rattling nice rugby fans and I wish you all a pleasant Sunday.


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I really am not.

That quote is what Kimmage was hinting at before he got the documents from Heaslip clarifying what happened. If you read down Kimmage seems to accept the second version and is now mostly taking issue with the inaccuracies in the initial story rather than the actual test or result itself.

:man_shrugging: are fellas actually reading past the headline?