The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

even his lies are lies

wait till the scummy soccer crowd read this



Please, excuse my confusion, is this a situation where Heaslip got caught doing something he shouldn’t have, the IRFU sweep-sweeped it and made it disappear, Heaslip didn’t realise that the IRFU had made the test disappear and put it in his book on the presumption that the incident was on his permanent record, like it should have been?

Edit: I haven’t read any of this thread and couldn’t be bothered, please explain to me what happened.

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The key points … Coming back from injury… Testosterone spike.

His defence - I have higher testosterone than the average person…

Like the parameter of such tests don’t cater for the higher end of normal testosterone levels :joy:

Could this be a situation where Heaslip had higher than average testosterone from shagging so many sexy married women?

Actually, I remember years ago reading about an NBA player who had test results showing exceptionally high testosterone levels and his explanation was that he’d shagged his wife 8 times the night before. That explanation was accepted and he got off (got off the test I mean). I remember reading a quote from him at the time, “It was her birthday, she deserved a treat”. I can’t remember his name.

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Is that what he is saying? Or is his point that his tesosterene is always high?

You’re a Munster man, you don’t have to worry about this.

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ok mate, more detailed required in future posts

This is not new news at all. This has been in public domain for years. Ewan hounds him about it regularly on twitter

I’m a little hungover, sorry.

Edit: good luck in the cup final today.

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The defence that Gareth Turnbull used and was also succesful with.

Seems like lot of fellas havent actually read Kimmages article in much detail

I’m sure these tests see lads with high testosterone levels all the time snd there’s a normal range for this… Lads playing sport, particularly with strength work involved, would have higher levels than the average guy. You’d seriously have to wonder what level he was at for it to be a red flag

Its all in Kimmages article if you want detail rather than headlines

I’ll try read it properly later

This stinks

Is it more a thing of him bigging it up to push the book? Cooper’s reaction is laughable

What’s cooper saying

“You’ll have to ask Jamie about that.”

I’ve had breakfast and composed myself.

The athlete I was thinking of turns out to be Olympic sprinter Dennis Mitchell. His sex-fueled explanation for his high testosterone was rejected, that means not accepted. Heaslip is most likely guilty. Choco makes a good point that Heaslip’s testosterone might be naturally higher than the average man on the street but Sports Ireland are testing every rugby player and weight-lifter in the country.

I apologise for mis-informing the forum and I will try harder in future.