The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2



So wheres the question coming from so?

Oh. Just thought you were waffling

And asking a question addresses that?

Think more a case of poor attempt at humour and you’re now attempting to backpedal so to speak.

Don’t be so tetchy

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They would not have qualified if they won. Best you get for winning is an extra spot for your own league for a team not already qualified. The winner doesn’t get the spot. That’s how it used to be anyway.

If they are out shooting pheasant or partridge they use a light pellet that doesn’t damage the meat too much ??

Ryan was/is a colossus, zebo a meh can do great things but also very clueless. 1st time I saw Ryan play was against nz, that unbelievable game, I thought to myself this lad is a savage. Yes a nz b team bar rococoko but mostly a munster b team too bar the kiwis. And not to forget a certain Paul warrick who munster should have never let go. It was an amazing game won with the last move of the game


About 8 or 9 of that New Zealand team went on to win a World Cup.

first time i saw him in action was with shannon 20s. you would never in a million years thought hed have the career he did but its a testament to his approach. as fierce a competitor youll meet.

he was very light back then I read, had to bulk up. great athlete.

He turned up with a hurley and sliotar and would be bating ball against wall before the bus departed for away matches with shannon. initially lads were “wheres this farmer off to, down from the mountain with his hurley.” wasnt long before any sneering stopped.

his appetite to learn and determination is hugely impressive. Embraces a challenge as the move to and success in france has highlighted. Got every ounce out of his career, hope he caps it with a cup medal.


I see the four top SARU franchises are joining a new expanded Pro 16. The unintended consequences of this will be interesting.

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When is his racing contract finished? Would they ever get him back to Munster?

An increase in doping in the Pro 16?

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He nearly signed for Leinster, bird wanted Dublin. Wouldn’t surprise me see him finish back at Munster tho, be great influence.

One really good second row.coming through ranks, Tom ahern, so plenty room for him

SA wanted to join the six Nations. It would have made sense on every level for them, but the Anzacs kiboshed it. Was a shame