The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Keep us up to date Fagan

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Will do, pal.

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You do, given you made the point in the first place.

Sure what else would he say. Thatā€™s his sport, heā€™s obviously going to speak up for it, same as most of us would about GAA. Itā€™s about as earth-shattering as discovering the earth is round really.


I know he is but itā€™s not a constructive arguement in reality. We will never ever be like NZ. End of.

You and I both know that, but Oā€™Connell would obviously be coming from a different perspective

He can go fuck off for himself and his perspective. I know stories about his wife, Iā€™ll ruin him.

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Eejit. Would he not qualify as one of these dyed-in-the-wool Young Munster clubmen that you claim to have nothing against? Christ, between getting upset over lads in another country wearing a poppy and other lads who follow a game you apparently have no interest in you mustnā€™t get a wink of sleep.

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No. What have I said about people wearing a poppy? Get back in your little box you reject.

Well, thatā€™s me back in my box. Excellent rebuttal.

Must have been another @ChocolateMice on the Poppy watch thread calling @Lockes a cunt for daring to suggest it didnā€™t matter a fuck who wore one or didnā€™t.
And while youā€™re at it, explain how Oā€™Connell is different from the pure daycent club rugby crowd that youā€™ve nothing against. Far as I know heā€™s still a regular sight around their clubhouse.
Or throw your toys out of the pram again.


OConnell has ginger hair. Iā€™m against poppy fascists. Now donā€™t you dare question me again.

Theyā€™ll find you

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You know Iā€™m only messing with you, broā€¦you shouldnā€™t take the inter web so seriousā€¦youā€™re a good guy, just a little misguided. Now bow down to my superiority!

What a climbdown :open_mouth:

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From what?

You folded like a cheap hooker who got hit in the stomach by a fat guy with sores on his face.

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Folded? FFSā€¦there was nothing to fold fromā€¦Raylan is one of the good guys and Iā€™d like to maintain our strong e-relationship. Sure everyone knows choco be only spewing trash talk for the sake of it. Heā€™s a great guy behind it all. We are all great guys. A great bunch of lads.

P.S I miss my pussy.

Discussion there last night on OTB on whether rugby needs to extend its reach beyond the private schools. Apparently 18 of the 20 players in the Leinster Academy are products of the private school system. Be careful what you wish for says Keith Wood.

Two right boggers bucking the trend I bet. One is a Portlaoise man if Iā€™m thinking correctly.

This world cup was a victory for the anti-rugby brigade. How many mothers watching these lads drop with severe injuries would willingly let their little Fionn or Fiachra go out and develop brain damage?