The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

That’s a wonderful post.

Who penned it?

The World Cup is over a week, Ireland are gone a month, and still you have the boys on Newstalk pouring over the ashes, no wonder you get horseshit articles like the anonymous one posted above though. Wait til the Franchises start getting whipped in the Champions Cup, the hand wringing will really kick off then.

Stil, it gives dodgy keeper something to cheer himself up with after his devastating loss on Friday night. He can read this while wiping away the tears of another bandwagon shuddering to a halt. Dodgy mate, still thinking of you, let me taste your tears.


It’s the best article I’ve read in a long, long time. Who’s gonna pick up the medical bill for these fuck tards when they are dribbling in a wheel chair in their 50s? By right it should be from proceeds generated from poppy sales.

It’s quite interesting that large sections of the association football-following community believe that association football players are overpaid and aren’t shy about saying so. Yet if this is pointed out by “outsiders”, they get really annoyed.

It’s also quite interesting that large sections of the association football-following community believe that the obsessive, soap opera-like media coverage of the game, turning utterly trivial and mundane incidents into tabloid front page, rolling 24 hour news-covered events, is utterly ridiculous. Yet, conversely and hypocritically, they complain that the rugby media doesn’t go in for the same treatment and chooses to cover stories in a more measured and considered manner.

Given that the writer of this piece sums up by claiming that rugby doesn’t like being questioned by outsiders, it’s very interesting that one of the central themes of the article is the writer’s discomfort at association football being questioned by outsiders.

It’s also very interesting that the authors of such articles tend to always mention social class. Association football claims to be the game of the people, yet the association football-following authors of such pieces seem much more intent on pigeon holing people into cliched, stereotypical boxes in which they try to ridicule with cliched, stereotypical class warfare.

Also, if he wanted to mention social class, he needed to pick a better example than one involving somebody who went to Tullow Community School.

The inferiority complex is frightening.

Insurance companies?

horseshit articles?

point out one thing that’s wrong in it…

The author hasnt put his name to it. That or the tard that posted it didn’t include it.

How would that work? You couldn’t go out willingly smacking your car into others cars and then claiming back off your insurance for the damage twenty years later.

You’d have to ask the insurance companies insuring sporting clubs (including rugby ones) up and down the country.

But i asked you, pal?

Why would you ask me?

Because I can.

But I asked you?

oh right. here was I thinking the article was littered with inaccuracies…

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I stopped after the first paragraph. Who was the writer anyway? Or did you write it yourself?

Still would

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You volunteered an answer, all be it in the form of a question, when I asked the original question… In doing so you suggested you knew more than me on the topic so I was happy to bow down to your superior knowledge on the subject but was still intrigued as to how that process actually works, hence my second question by which time you climbed down and feigned a lack of knowledge on the subject.

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It’s the context, football players are certainly not overpaid in comparison to rugby players. Rugby players are overpaid in comparison to footballers.

I replied with a question. I proffered no further knowledge.