The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Poppy sales it is then.

As long as the state pay for the inevitable outcome from my smoking habit when the day comes, Iā€™m not much bothered.

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Both operate within a meritocratic free market, pal. By definition they are paid the going rate of what they are worth economically. The market determines the rate so by definition neither are underpaid or overpaid

Iā€™ve got inside MBBā€™s head. He is obsessed with me. Has to reference me yet again. He canā€™t go a day without dragging me into some debate.

Iā€™ve beaten you, Iā€™m living rent free in your brain.

Iā€™m happy enough to declare my sporting allegiances on here - and take the inevitable flak that usually goes with it when results go belly up - rather than being a lily livered coward whose stance on situations depends on what the prevailing mood is on TFK. Youā€™re a gutless charlatan who is afraid to make a decision in case it might cost you a few likes on here.

Youā€™re a rugby fan who regularly posts on the anti rugby football thread just to fit in. I disagree agree with him but Iā€™ve far more respect with the likes of @Tim_Riggins who openly follows rugby and has the balls to say so. You - on the other hand - are a numpty - who will swallow whatever guff the masses next try to peddle.

Wonā€™t lie, it hurt being relegated (you see, when you leave the computer, chat to people, see sport in the flesh and not over an Internet stream you become attached to a team). Will be at the first game next season while you are still on here mentioning me in various topics trying to suck up to some of the big hitters on here.

Now for your witty retort about how I am seething, part 1671467. :rollseyes:

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Rugby union football is certainly living rent-free in your brain, thatā€™s for sure.

And doing the traditional Captainā€™s Run around it each morning.


Eh I said it mate, Iā€™ll quote it again. Always thinking of you pal, always.

And eh, you are seething, obviously. Its delightful :ronnyroar:

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Heā€™s an hilarious auld cunt, but you canā€™t help but admire his ignorance at the same time :smiley:

Weā€™re winning, they canā€™t stop talking about us. Weā€™re taking over.

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vol alan ryan must be winning too as loads are talking about him today

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He was a rugby fan?

Unreal. Just got my handy wall chart from this weekā€™s Sunday Times. The anticipation is building in the lead up to the big kick off of Europeā€™s Premier Club tournament of any sport.

Outrageous. Btw it must have given you great pleasure to hear you have the respect of dodgy keeper mate. Talk about having your Sunday made up :ronnyroar:

Yes I should get over to the ā€˜Iā€™m on top of the world threadā€™ to convey my joy

Whatā€™s this pal ?

Nothing Iā€™d reveal to a stranger on the internet, pal.

Stranger ?

Unless you have something to tell me?

jasus, what age are you 10?, wall chart FFS.

You can write the scores down and everything. Itā€™s unbelievable.

