The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Mac said Jamie Heaslip is “one of the most overrated players of the last 10 years”. His CV is therefore, very relevant.

If you watched the French match with any appreciation for the game then you will see why Heaslip is still one of the best 4 or 5 8s in the world.

What is the primary function of a number 8 and how has Heaslip demonstrated excellence in this function over the last 10 years?

What do you think the primary function of the number 8 is Mac?

So copping out of answering the question then are you?

Mac I often see you saying you’re indifferent to rugby football so I’d like to hear your opinion.

I’m guessing you want to see swash buckling carries on every possession?

No need to go putting words in my mouth Tim. You’re the expert here so educate me, and everyone else on what are the primary functions of a number 8 are and how Heaslip has demonstrated excellence in this role. A ‘CV’ of Lions appearances doesn’t mean anything to me and could be as much to do with him being around at a time when the position didn’t have much depth across the Lions nations. If you continue to try to fob me off with irrelevant answers I’ll just assume you haven’t a clue.

good northern hemisphere player but below average world player

You’re the one who described him as overrated. You are the one who brought up the function of a number. It’s up to you to back up your own assertion.

So you don’t know then. That’s fine, carry on.

Average in comparison to Kieran Reid maybe but his record vs Australia, South Africa and Argentina is second to none. His performance vs New Zealand in 2013 was still one of the best 8s performances in a long time.

Top 4? Which of Pocock, Read, Vermeuelen, Senatore, Parisse, Faletau, Picamoles, Vunipola is he better than? Specify please.

I can give you lots of comments - top tackler and carrier vs Argentina. Top tackler vs France and his rucking stats the best seen in a year of international rugby. Do you want a game by game analysis?

I think it’s unreal that Jamie Heaslip has managed to hoodwink Michael Cheika, Joe Schmidt, Gert Smal, Warren Gatland, World Rugby and however many other rugby people but this lad from Wexford who claims to not like rugby that much knows more. Hot take of the year there Mac.

He asked a question, why don’t you answer it rugby expert.

I would pick him over Vunopola, Picamoles, Faletau, Senatore and Vermuelen,

You said consistency is rubbish as he was just consistently shit and now are ignoring the rugby CV.


I asked what the primary function of the role of a number 8 is. You still haven’t answered. The 2nd part of my question is about Heaslip and his ability to demonstrate excellence in this role. Should the number 8 be a top tackler and carrier? Should a number 8 have quality rucking stats? Tell me what the primary function of a number 8 please as its unclear to casual observers of the game.

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You two are the ones who have asserted that he is overrated and “consistently shit”. I feel as though I have given a bit more than you two to back up my statements than you two.

The primary function of the number 8 changes from team to team depending on the overall composition of your back row. Carrying, tackling, rucking, lineouts and link play are all hallmarks of good back row play.

You are the one who said he was “overrated” so you must have something there to add to the conversation and back up your statement.

Heaslip is seriously over rated.

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I think he was good a few years ago but has been easily the weakest 8 in the top 10 teams recently. He’s past it. He’s not better than any of the players I named currently.

I’d have thought all players would be expected to tackle, link play, ruck and carry to a lesser extent? They’re fundamentals of the game for all 15 players as opposed to back row forwards?