The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

He dropped Brian O’Driscoll and Paul O’Connell off the board and put Mick O’Dwyer and Roy Keane 1 and 2 respectively on the so called great wall.

Better television then all the seasons of the wire/sopranos and breaking bad combined.



Is Jim McGuinness now the patron saint of the Anti Rugby Football Thread?

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Could you try that again

Connacht went to Siberia to play a rugby match over the weekend and have apparently gotten lost.

Apparently Connachts visa’s have expired. The entire squad is stuck in Moscow indefinitely*.

*until tomorrow.

They should go on the piss with Edward Snowden. I’m sure he’d appreciate the company.

“One group was going via Amsterdam, one was going through London, and one had to go through Paris. Then myself and four players got off-loaded so we had to wait at Kraynoyarsk for eight hours till the other group showed, and when we arrived in Moscow, everyone was delayed as we had to get new visas and missed connecting flights.

“I am pretty proud of the management players and everybody is just getting on with it. It’s been one challenge after another. One day we look back at it and say it made us tougher,” he said.

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the leadership group really showing some metal there


surprised you missed the puns on Snowden


Snowden is gone loo-lah apparently. I’ve a mate who’s in the Met, they used to do overtime on a post outside the embassy he’s stuck in. He said you can hear yer man wailing away to himself in the middle of the day. There was a regular stream of celebs
calling to him for the first while for the thrill of hanging out with him but that’s all dried up. Has a serious drink and weed problem too, then when he acts the prick and steps out of the consulate or whatever the security from the other consulate across the hall will give him a hiding. All on sovereign territory so there’s no-one he can complain about it to. Ironic really.

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I wonder if he means Assange.

he is a bit of a half wit so he probably does


Assange is right :relaxed: Easy mix up these celebrity crypto-freedom fighters.

I see ex-Scotland rugby football winger James Craig has attributed the breakdown of his first marriage and his bipolar disorder to getting repeated rugby football related concussions.

Nothing to do with the homerotic undertones of the game of rugby?

Lapsed poster @dancarter blamed rugby for the same.

Franno sticking the boot into rugby football here:

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