The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

It was pretty bizarre alright.

I would have thought that they sent him to a specialist and that presumably on the specialists advice they’ve benched him for the season is a good thing? They’re normally criticised for not making decisions like that.

The way it was reported was bizarre though, think Schmidt worded it oddly.

Yeah - they spun it poorly - should have been a case where they showed they were making prudent decisions.

Probably sent Sexton to the same specialist.

Possibly - which would back their argument that they’ve had him checked and he’s fine.

Posting something from From a cunt who looks like this?

Ah, this is gas craic altogether. 5 (FIVE) winless “Irishmen” on team of the tournament. You couldn’t script this, you really couldn’t.

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Isn’t he related to Sexton?

An Uncle i think? Possibly his godfather too.

Boo hoo. He hardly touched him.

Sexton is a woeful father though.thats for sure


Yes mate.its a good thing one of thier players will end up with dementia

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I haven’t seen the incident mate but he’s basically asking the French lad not to tackle the prick because he’s been concussed in the past :laughing:

Definitely had him down as godfather alright. I was going to say how the editor should be ashamed of himself for letting that get through, but then I remembered where it was published.

I’d agree with @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, he gave Sexton a dunt in the back, it was harmless, no worse than you’d get in a shouwldering contest. It hasn’t been seen as needing further sanction. If a rugby player can’t take that sort of loosener then he should stick to tag. The fact that Sextons family are so concerned about him speaks volumes.

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i did worse to rocko on Thursday and although he bellyached about his missing kidney we had forgotten about it 20 mins later

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Billy Keane is a thundering cunt of the worst kind.

That’s twice. Let it go.

Fuck sake, he didn’t hit him twice did he?

You’d swear he did.