The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

You disgust me sometimes


In all fairness your man must be in some state if he’s been rested for 6 months to get over a bang on the head.

Tim riggins and the like must be feeling like shit for endorsing the sport

I am giving this a huge like.

Larry and the boys on here still crowing. Won’t be long now until their wish comes true surely? Maybe it will be cool to watch rugby again then for them

I’m thinking of getting into rugby football now you mention it.

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You’ve always had a keen eye for the latest trends

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Fantastic stuff. It’s like the 6 years of this thread condensed into a few hundred words.


Lovely little dig at Seanie Fitzpatrick thrown in at the end to intrinsically but subtly link the economic crash to rugby football too.

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Good article by tony ward recently saying that when league went professional they had to free up space on the pitch as men got bigger.for rugby to survive the same must happen

Rugby league got rid of the lineout and rucks, they had to bring the numbers on the pitch down. It wasn’t because they were getting bigger in 1906.

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take it up with Tony Ward mate

I personally think Tony is only good for commentary on the school’s cups. Keep me updated on his insights into the pro game though, you’re a keen reader I can tell.


Josh Van Der Flier :laughing: :laughing:

He’s actually Irish - above post retracted

I didnt like to say, you seemed so happy.

Looks like institutionalised bullying to me.